Chapter 12

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Chimon's POV

Nanon and I are on the road, the car in front of us is Ohm's. I could really feel Ohm's evil smirk all the way here nd that makes me irritated. I am texting him furiously, although he won't see it now since he is driving.

"Is it that bad that you had to ride with me? I could call Ohm or Drake and tell them to stop for a minute so you could transfer?" Nanon said without taking his eyes off the road, I could sense the sadness in his voice, but why is he sad? Is he sad that I rode with him? Or is he irritated that I inconvenienced him into this awkward car ride?

"U-uhm, it's okay, I can ride here." I glued my eyes at my hands on my lap, too afraid to look at him or at the road.

The rest of the ride was in silence. It was filled with me pretending that every little thing outside was so interesting that I could not look at the driver, Nanon kept on clearing his throat and when the silence became suffocating, he turned on the radio and listened to every damn song that crappy radio station played. The moment we arrived at our destination, it felt like we lost our voices for the drive that took two hours in silence. I stepped out of the car and dragged Ohm to the side and smacked his head.

"Ouch, you're so violent, Chi." Ohm rubbed his head and pouted at me, I only glared at him and crossed my arms.

"What the hell are you thinking?!" he has this 'tee-hee' face that he thought was cute on a big guy like him. I crossed my arms on my chest, he sighed.

"What? I just thought that maybe it's time for you to confess your love at him inside a car with no one else around. So? Did you confess to him?" I flicked his forehead this time, "You think I could do that? The whole car ride is awkward!"

"C'mon Chi, I know you're scared that Nanon might feel negative emotions if you ever confessed, but you gotta take the risks sometimes! What if he also felt the same towards you? You might never know that if you'll keep your feelings to yourself."

I was about to answer when my phone rang, it was Nanon, messaging Mon. "And that's my cue to leave." Ohm left and helped the rest to carry our things to our room.


Hey, we just arrived at the resort.

What are you doing?

A smile appeared on my face as I saw the message, he never forget to message me whenever he can.

"Chi!! Come help us with our things!" Frank shouted, l typed a reply to Nanon and put my phone away to help with our things. It was already dark when we finished fixing our things on our room. We are in a villa type building with three rooms. Frank and Drake are together in one room, Ohm and I are in another one, while Nanon, First and Khao are in the last room. Ohm was whining about why he was not put in the same room as First, he was going on and on about it until First nagged him that he should not whine about anything that was given to him. That made Ohm shut his mouth and clinged to First for the rest of the time we are settling in.

"Who would like to go on an evening dipping at their pool? The staff said that there should be nobody there right now," Frank said, even thought Frank and I did not tell them, this resort is actually owned by both of our parents. Frank and I figured that it might be a little awkward if they would know that our family owned this.

"I'll go! How about you, Ohm?" Drake answered his lover as he stood up and retrieved a towel from the cabinet. Ohm also stood up, grabbed a towel, and got out of the room.

"Hurry up!" Ohm shouted as he left the room. I lied on the bed and closed my eyes for a good five minutes before I heard the door closed shut. Another five minutes and the entire room was silent, I opened my eyes and saw the ceiling above, I stared at it with nothing on my mind. The ceiling has a pretty pattern on them, I might tell Dad that. We have an assignment due next week and a group project the next, and next to that problem is the fact that Nanon would definitely want to meet Mon soon and I am definitely not yet ready.

I sighed. "Please, not yet."

"What's not yet?" I looked at my left and saw Nanon playing with his phone. "What?" What the?! He was here all this time?

"Why are you here?"

"Well, I was tired because of the trip so I decided to rest here. How about you? Why are you here?"

"I'm... tired, too." I lowered my head and bit my lips, I hope I wasn't muttering something. "I'm going to sleep." I announced before covering my whole body with the blanket. Oh shit, fuck! Did I mutter something? Did he hear something?

I was panicking, imagining every scenario that could happen and planning excuses for every scenario possible. I was busy with over thinking when I heard Nanon talk.

"I'll go outside. Do you wanna come?"

"Nah, I'm tired, I'll try to sleep, I'll go when I can't sleep." I said in the most calm voice I could muster at the moment.

I heard the door open and then close. I got out of my blanket town and stared at the ceiling. Did that just happened? I was over thinking again, I stred at the ceiling for another hour with just possible scenarios of what's gonna happen if Nanon would find out I am Mon, some positive ones, but many are negatives. I am pretty sure he would be upset to me and maybe to his twin, Ohm did lie to him about Mon and I being the same person. If that's gonna happen, what then? I would definitely hate it if I would be the cause of the twin's argument, not that I am that relevant to them to cause an argument, but this is just one of the ifs. Another if is that what if Nanon would tell Ohm to stay away from a liar like me? What if he would convince Frank to ignore me? What if that would happen? I hate the thought of Nanon hating me, but I most definitely loathe the thought of Frank and Ohm ignoring me and breaking our friendship. With those thoughts circling on my mind, tears pooled on my eyes as I can't stop the train of thoughts, thoughts of not having Frank and Ohm as my friends, thoughts of Nanon hating me, thoughts of everything I have today would be gone with just one secret. I stood up and sniffed as I wiped my cheeks of tears, I continued crying and wiping my face with the blanket when I heard my phone ring. Thinking it was Papi or Dad, I picked it up without looking at the caller id.

"Hello?" my voice croaked as I said my greetings.

"Hello? Didn't think you'd answer." Wait, what? I removed my phone from my ear to look at the caller id, and shit, it's Nanon. "Don't hang up! Please?"

"Yes?" I lowered the tone of my voice and whispered.

"Are you crying?" concern was evident in his voice. Oh how I wish that this would last forever.


Hiiii!!! It's been so long!! I'm so sorry, I just got busy and all I don't have any time to sit and write any of my books. Hopefully, my sched would slow down so I can sit an write more. Hope you enjoy the chapter! Lovelots!

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