Chapter 13

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Nanon's POV

"Are you crying?" I asked again.

"No, I'm okay," his voice was husky, an indication that he had just been crying. Maybe I shouldn't have left the room.

"What happened?" I asked again as I stared at a window.

"Things happened. Anyways, how about you? Are you enjoying your outing with your friends?" he tried to change the subject while maintaining his husky voice, maybe to camouflage his real one.

"It's fun. The boys and I are currently by the pool, getting ready to have a quick swim before we prepare and eat our dinner. One friend of my twin got to bed early, though, said he was tired of the trip." I sat on one of the benches beside the pool, still looking at that one window. "I think he doesn't like me, he drove with me here, and he was quite silent the whole drive."

"I think he is just shy. You are famous around the school, you know?" he was panicking as he searched for words he wanted to say. I chuckled at his cuteness and responded to him. "Just like how you're shy to introduce yourself to me?" I heard him groan in frustration in the other line.

"I told you, I'll meet you when I'm ready," he said in this tiny voice that is too cute to unhear. Mon was about to talk again when all of a sudden, I heard another voice on his line.

"Hey, chi, don't you wanna-" and then Chimon cuts off the call, the voice was familiar, and so I looked around and saw that my brother was gone to fetch Chimon. When I looked in the direction of our room, I saw Chimon and Ohm walking towards us, but Chimon was punching Ohm on his arm as my brother kept saying sorry.

"That's what happens, bro, when you cut off an important mysterious call," I chuckled at my joke and decided to join the fun the rest was having.

"What happened?" First asked when he saw Ohm getting beaten by Chimon.

"Nothing, I just disturbed Chi on a crucial call," Om emphasized the word crucial, which earned him a smack on the back by Chimon.

"It was with a teacher. He was asking about a section on our paper." He briefly looked at me before he sat on the edge of the pool, submerging his feet in the water.

And that's how I became a teacher. I laughed and swam beneath the water so the gang couldn't see me smiling by myself. I have always known that Mon was Chimon. It was crazily apparent that I was amazed that my brother and his friends hadn't figured it out yet. First, Chimon was the only friend of my brother that had Mon in his name. Secondly, they are bad at hiding it, just like how they hid that I was in a phone call with Chimon. And lastly, I know he's back from the contact photo saved in Ohm's phone like it was the back of my hand. I mean, who wouldn't see the back of your crush?

After a splash party with the gang, we finally decided to get out of the water and prepare dinner. Khaotung ordered us to bring the ingredients that we had brought from the car and then cut them up and whipped a delicious dinner for us to enjoy. Only First and Chimon helped Khaotung prepare dinner, and the rest of us were decided to help clean up while the cooks rested up.

After everyone was done eating, I spotted Chimon making a beeline towards our room. "I'm gonna go to bed first," he said as he closed the door.

"Chimon looks tired," Khaotung pointed out. I stayed quiet since I'm pretty sure the phone call earlier drained him.

"It's nothing. Continue wiping the table." Ohm scolded Khao and proceeded to wipe the table. Ohm thought I didn't notice, but he eyed Frank and signaled him to follow Chimon. I'm pretty sure Ohm also knows that Chimon would drown in his thoughts. And not a moment later, Frank followed Chimon in the guise of talking about something related to their paper.

When I finished washing the dishes, I lay down on the sofa and waited for Frank to get out. Ohm entered the room after I sat down on the couch, and the others were getting ready for bed and soon entered their rooms. I am staring at the wall with no thoughts. Although hearing what they could be talking about is very tempting, I respect Chimon's privacy, and I know damn well how Ohm would react if he knew I eavesdropped.

I guess with the exhaustion of playing in the pool for hours and washing dishes for seven people. I fell asleep on the sofa. And I woke up to the sounds Ohm was making in the kitchen. I glanced at the clock in the ceiling, and it told me that it was already 7 a.m. Oh shit, I slept on the couch.

"Why didn't you wake me up when Frank left the room?" I asked Ohm as I stretched before getting up.

"Oh, Frank didn't leave. The three of us slept in the same room. Drake was pissed about it." And not a minute later, I heard Drake complaining to Frank from behind the door of their room.

Ohm cooked breakfast, and he left the task of waking up everybody to me. I woke up First and Khaotung first before I entered Chimon's room. He was still sleeping with two pillows surrounding him while hugging his blanket. The other bed was left untouched, so I assumed that the three of them slept in the same bed as well. I looked at his face and smiled at how calm his expression was.

"Chi? Ohm is cooking breakfast." I shook his shoulder, he slowly started waking up, "I'm going to go out and help him out. Get out when you're ready." I left him when I was sure he got the message.

I helped Ohm with getting ready for breakfast while the rest was watching television. 15 minutes later and the food is now ready, everybody came to get some and returned to the couch to continue watching the show. Only I sat at the table and watched them, specifically Chimon, watching the show. I know watching him is creepy, but the way he smiles when the characters do something silly is more amusing than the show.

"Stop staring. He'll melt," Khaotung said as he returned to the table for some refills. In my circle of friend, the only one who knew that I know that Mon was Chimon is Khaotung, and he was quick to notice everything when Chimon's gang and we were together.

"I know," I sighed and continued eating. Khao shook his head and joined me at the table.

"Why not just confess already that you know that it was him?"

"He's not ready. You noticed how he stiffened when we arrived yesterday. He's terrified, and I don't want him to feel that I pushed him into a situation where he's not ready. He needs to break down his walls first before I come in."

"So you'll wait no matter how long?"


"You know, many people had said that, but they found someone else anyway. Hoping it'll not be the case for this story...." Khao gave me a side-eye indicating that I'd be dead if that happened. Khao had that kind of history, but that's in another book.


Hey! Thank you very much for waiting for an update. College has been a bitch to me lately and partnered with laziness, and you know what happened. Well, I guess this is the big reveal!! I hope you all like it <3 lovelots!

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