Sleepless Night

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As taehyung and Jungkook were having a relaxing bath there was a shadow lingering in the dark bedroom . Jennie was standing out with light footsteps she made her way inside and with another defeated groan she went out . She has been doing this for a while now entering and then leaving she couldn't bring up the courage to enter the room , she took a breath and took a step forward but just as she was about to enter she heard the 'click' of the lock and the door of the bathroom open , taehyung with his towel loosely hanging around his waist and a big towel which he was carrying in his arms in which jungkook was well hidden entered the room .

Jennie hurriedly ran away from there before taehyung could spot her and kick her out in the middle of night. But she didn't stopped there , the next day she got up early in the morning with a plan to sneak inside taehyung's office , unfortunately the door was locked . She kicked the door and silently screamed but then an idea came in her mind she remove one of her hair pin and tried to open the door luckily the door open and she successfully sneaked inside .

She quickly turned on the laptop and connected it with a chip which Kai gave her and started copying the data .

"Yess finally " , just as the chip started copying the data she heard light footsteps from a distance .

"Shit god please please just a little more " the footsteps got more near and clear .

"Done " she quickly pull out the chip and hid it inside her bra .

"What the hell is going on" There stood Namjoon with folded hands as he caught Jennie red handed inside taehyung's office .

"What I-i was searching for taehyung guess he's not here I'll try somewhere else " she started walking out but Namjoon's hands stopped her midway .

"Stop right there young lady , is taehyung that small that you couldn't found him in the room with a closed door . Just spill up what did you robbed from here . " He asked as he took her hand and bend it.

"Ahh oh god you are being so rough on a lady , don't you have any manners leave my hand " Jennie fake shouted at him , but Namjoon ignored her protest and carefully patted around to find something .

"AHH HELP ME !!! someone , is anyone here HELP!!!" She screamed in a ear piercing voice. 

"God can't you just shut up "

"Now what happened here " taehyung stood there looking at the scene in front of him with uninterested look .

"V look your men is sexually harassing me in broad day light right in front of your office , all I did was went inside your office to search for you , he found me and purposely accused me so that he could touch me " she ended with some fake tears , Namjoon looked at taehyung with the same look and both shared a secret message . They both knew what's going on so taehyung just nodded and Namjoon left her and walked away .

"That's it , you let him walk away like that  aren't you gonna do something to him for touching me inappropriately " Jennie followed taehyung inside the office .

"I can't believe V you literally changed so much , back then when someone use to just look at me with lust you use to snatch off their eyes and now you don't even care if someone molest me you are gonna stay quiet . I'm feeling so insecure and scared in here " she said crying .

"Shut up , and stop crying like a kid every single time  . And I didn't sign up to give you protection if you are feeling so unsecured call someone and get the fuck out of here . I haven't opened a ngo for women protection rights, now if you'll excuse me I have work to be done . " Taehyung said and start working totally ignoring Jennie's presence .

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