Fate of a friendship

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And so the preparation of war started , taehyung was tired of this endless fight with everytime his love one's has to repay for it so he wants to settle this once and for all . He ordered not to inform anything to his brother as he wants to protect and keep him away  from this hell . He even called the Got4 back .

"Jimin can you hear me " Namjoon said through the earpiece,  he was sitting in the control room while Jimin was on the suspected area .

Yesterday Namjoon finally found their location but the area was in a forest , no trace of any buliding or unusual camp where they can hide . Jimin was standing at the side way of the road with his non functioning car which was use as a reason for him to stand there.  Both the side of the road were covered with long trees covering a bit of sunlight .

Few days ago when Jimin came crying after knowing what happened to his best friend and his soon to be boyfriend , Seeing yoongi's shoulder he was devastated he took care of him and stayed until he gets better , since then he wants to catch whoever hurt his yoongi and his best friend jungkook . As no one knows who he is , he is here in the middle of the forest with a damaged car but still he can't find a way where the hideout could be .

Just then a car came Jimin with his great physical reflex ran and climbed on a tree nearby he was sitting on the lowest branch but the bush hid him very well .

Two people got out of the car ,

"Thanks for the ride bro you must leave before anyone finds out " taeyong talked to his fellow member Yuta

"Don't worry no one could find us- wait " Yuta got out of the car and looked at the car which Jimin left .

"Whose car is that " taeyong asked confused .

"Stay back it could be our enemies trick what if there is bomb inside that car " yuta said he was a professional bomb defuser he knows about it a lot . With slow step he reached the car and investigated it , finding no trace of bomb he started looking for the person who left his car .

"Come on Yuta it's just a wrecked car the owner must have left it here " taeyong shouted

"Jimin are you alright " Namjoon asked from the earpiece but he couldn't reply .

"Or there's a spy here " he continued his investigation until he stopped at a tree , jimin's breath stopped as he was scared for his life , yuta was standing near the tree just one look up and he will be caught . Before yuta could look around a car honk could be heard .

"Dude it's time for the meeting let's go " mark  said catching his attention .

"Ok taeyong see you later I'm leaving " yuta said and left . Jimin let out a breath but he can't relax now this was his chance he wanted to see where will taeyong and mark leave from here . He silently jump down and hid behind the tree as he watched them closely .

"Target on move " Jimin finally replied to Namjoon . 

"God Jimin you scared me I was ready to send a team for you "

"Don't worry hyung I'm fine "

"Ok what are the target doing "  Namjoon asked

Jimin saw taeyong walking towards a tree and pulled a branch . The ground shake and opened revealing stairs which lead down both of them went inside and the ground shook again closing it completely .

"Oh my god " Jimin whispered .

"What is it Jimin "

"Hyung they have an underground hideout "


"Heyy we are heree " bambam shouted

"Ahh finally it's so good to be back "

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