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"Don't mind them they are bums." micheal laughs. "Hey we might be bums but you are a asshole." Ashton says with a mouthfull of popcorn. I laugh and Micheal gives me a smirk. Oh god that smirk. He 100% knows hes hot. "Come this way I have the stuff in here." he tells me and I do what he says. Their bathroom isnt the cleanest but its is nice. He motions for my to sit on the closed toilet seat and I do. I relized me hair was falling out of the hair tie and i take it out. My hair falls onto my sholders and I run my fingers though it.

Out of the coner of my eye I see Micheal looking at me. It isnt a creepy stare is was sweet. I give him a smile and pull my hair back up. I take off my yellow tinted sunglasses and put them in my bag. I look over to Micheal and he lets out a cough "Right so which do u wanna start with?" he asks and I point to my leg. He nodds his head and rolls up his sleave and washes his hands. He wears alot of bracelts like I do. "I- um needed you to move ur pants leg." he stutters.

My pants are baggy so I reached down to my ankle and pull my leggings up high on my thigh. Micheal looks at my thigh to see tattoos and stick and poke tattoos. He kneels down with a wet paper towl. "I like your tattoos" he says. I have a bunch. "Thank you, I did them myself and most I have matching with my nana." His eyes go wide "You did this yourself?" he says in shock. I smile and nod. "So fucking cool, and your nana is too." I could help but have a big smile on my face because of how his descibed my nana.

"This might burn." he says and looks up at me. He looks back down at my knee and sprays stuff onto it making me suck in a sharp breath. "You okay?" he asks and starts dabbing a clean paper towel on my knee and holds my leg still with the other. I couldnt help but look at his hand on my tan leg. I watch as he cleans my knee, still holding onto it. "How are you so good at this." I ask. He looks up at me and back down "I have had my fair share of bumps and bruses." he tells me.

"Okay now your hands." he says and I hold them out. I totaly forgot about the scars on my arms and my bracelts slid down. WhenI relized what he was looking at I quickly move my bracelts back. "I- um sorry". I qucikly say. "Dont be sorry sunshine. You have nothing to be sorry about." he reasures me. "Sunshine?" I ask. He gives me a smile and nods "Yes, you remind me of sunshine." I felt warmth rush over me and I know for a fact I was blushing."Oh ok red" I say. "Oh I wonder why you would be calling me that". he says sarcaticaly with a laugh.

He sprays my hands and it burns. I bite my lip from the pain. I look up at the him and he is looking at my lips. When he noticed that I was watcing him he turned to the sink. "Soooo what year are you?" I ask trying to make small talk. "Im in year 2 here." He tells me. "I could maybe show you around the school tomorrow is you want." he says lowly. Hes very quite its cute. "Id love that" I tell him and he smiled.

"Ok now you'r face sun". I really like the nickname he gave me. He wets a paper and stands up. "Ready?" he asks and I nod. He gently holds my jaw so my head doesnt move. When he touches me he's so gental and it feels like eletricity going through my skin. I look at his face and he is focused on what he is doing. "Good news if it wont scar." he tell me. He lets go of my face.

"Thank you again, really I dont know what I would do if you were out there." I say. "It's no problem. I was sitting outside with my friends and I see him start  to yell that when I started to walk over." he tells me. "Your like an angle." I laugh. "I wish." he says lowly. "You don't think so?" "No I don't". He looks me into the eyes, somthing about his eyes are so comforting and I look over his face. His nose is perfect and his lips are a pretty shade of pinkish red. He has a eyebrow peircing.

"What you looking at?" he laughs. I quickly look away and down at my knee. It has a big bandaid on it. I pull my pant leg down. "Does he do that often?" he asks. "Who oh Devin um well he uh not anymore, he use to alot but I guess it's my fault I never did anything he wanted and I never lis- hey there is no reason in hell that he should be hitting you, no matter how "mad" he might be. You dont have to listen to him." he says with his hands on my sholders and bringing his face closer to mine. I could almost feel his breath on my face.

"But- no, no buts or whatever." he intrupts. "No man should ever touch a women." His words hit me hard. I felt my nose and eyes start to burn. I hold eye contact with him and he looks down at my lips. "Heyy how's she doing dr-oh am I intrupting somthing?" Calum says from the door way making us back away from each other. "No, and Im fine, Mikey said ther wont be any scars." I say to Calum. Right after I finish my sentince I realized I called him Mikey. I felt my cheecks get warm.

"Oh yeah thats good mikey." Calum says and ruffles his hair. "Oh piss off cal." Micheal says to Calum and pushes his hand away. "Anyway we are going to go get ome food from the litlle burger shop than go to the courtyard and chill and eat, do yall wanna come?" Calum asks. Micheal looks over to me "Wanna come?" he asks. "You sure?" I ask. "Of course" he says to me. "Ok than sure" I say to them. We can take me van if you guys want." I say to them.

"Really that would be perfect?" Calum says and I nod. The boys got ready and we invited Sam to come too and she is going to come. I know I just met them but they all seem really nice and I trust them. I also like being around Micheal. We all left the bulding and piled into my van. Micheal sat in the passanger seat and I drove and the rest of them are in the back. Micheal gave me directions on the way. This windows where down and music was playing. Micheal was playing some greenday. I had my sunglasses on and it felt so nice to have friends already.

I was driving down and singing along to the music when I looked over to see Micheal looking at me. He didnt look away either he just kept watching me. "Whatcha looking at red?" I laugh. "Someone pretty." he syas. I didnt expect him to say that. "i think you might be blind." I tell him and he laughs and shakes his head.

We pull into the restaunt and all of them went in to get the food but Micheal and I. We sat in comfortable silance untill he spoke. "What you taking this year? I turn myself to face him and tuck my knees up to my chest. "Im taking a writing and art class how about you?" His eye go wide and his face lights up. "SAME!" he says and laughs. Wow I cant belive this. "That is so fuckin cool." "I guess we will be seeing each other more than." he says and than the van door opened and eveyrone got in.

Micheal and I give eachother a smile. On the way to the park we all listen to Ashton talk about how Calum cheats when playing video games. This guys are really funny and nice. Im glad I met them.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2021 ⏰

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