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I get home to be pulled into a hug by Niccolo

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I get home to be pulled into a hug by Niccolo. He looked stressed.

"Hey are you okay?", I say. It was starting to freak me out how close he was to me. I pushed him off and walked away. What the fuck just happened. Why did I do that?I blame the hormones to be honest. 

I go to to my room and complete my homework pretty quickly. It was pretty easy and to be honest it kind of bored me. I wanted to explore the town but I knew that my family would probably freak out about me wanting to leave, and I needed them on my good side right now.

I went to the music room and it was empty. I locked the door behind me and started playing different songs over and over. I needed to calm down. I dont know why I was so angry all of a sudden. I just wanted space from everyone. I didnt even relealise how long I was playing for when I realised it was time to eat.

I walked down to the dining room to see everyone sat there. They were waiting for me as I sat down I didnt make eye contact with anyone. I look up to see Nic looking at me.

"Im sorry if I freaked you out earlier. I forget you dont like touching unless you make the move first.", He said. I nodded at him and went back to my food. Everyone went back to eating. I finnaly had the courage after around ten minutes.

"So um.", I say loudly. Everyone stopped talking and looked at me.

"So someone asked me out today and they wanted me to go to the fair with them. Im telling you because you deserve to know. Normally I would just go, but Im asking permission.", I look up to my father. It was like I had just killed a puppy or something. The atmosphere went really dark and it was so tense. Eve just smiled.

"Boy? Whats his name.", He says.

"Bradley.", I say back. I look towards my brothers and they looked like they were restraining themselves from talking. I then looked towards my grandma. She had a huge smile on her face, so did my aunts.

"So can I go?", I ask.

"No.", Says Mason. My brothers and cousins agreed by nodding there head. I look towards Grandpa and give him the best puppy eyes I could muster.

"Please. Its my first date ever.", I say. They looked at me pretty shocked. 

"Liar.", I heard Marco and Carlo say at the same time. They looked really angry.

"What? Im not lying. I honestly havent. Ive been asked out but Ive never said yes. He's different though. You can see when he picks me up and you guys can meet him. If he is scared off by you guys then he obviously isnt worth it.", I say to them, with sad eyes. There eyes soften and then they look down.

"Of course she can go, ignore them darling.", Grandma says. I run over and give her a hug.

"This is why your my favourite. Except you Grandpa.", I say to them. I look to the table and see a look of hurt over everyones face.

"Hey I didnt say they were my favourite brothers!", I say. I grab my aunts hands and lead them up to my room. As soon as I left I heard alot of shouting. A quick "enough" from my grandpa made them all go silent.

"I need help. What do I wear?", I ask them frantically. I got a message.

Hey this is bradley, I'll pick you up in an hour or so, I need your address.

I text him my address back and look at my aunts. They laugh and tell me to sit down. They gave me something cute to wear. They put my hair into dutch plaits and made me twirl for them.

 They put my hair into dutch plaits and made me twirl for them

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I looked so cute. Eww I just called myself cute. What the hell was happening to me. I was starting to act like my sister. Ugh no. I didnt realise it but I had started to cry. I guess I was just so over whealmed. My aunts looked at me confused but they must of understood as they came me a tight hug. I wiped my tears and stood up strong. Jesus these hormones were killing me.

I was ready for this. I was pretty nervous which wasnt like me. I wasnt even this nervous for fighting.I just had to be cool. I just had to be myself. 

I walk downstairs and see my brothers and cousins pacing in the hallway. It was kind of funny. I coughed and they all looked at me and smiled.

"You look beautiful darling.", Riccardo said. They all nodded as they all gave me a small hug, even Danielo and Carlo. Marco looked kind of pissed of. I went up to him and gave him a hug as I get a few "AWWW"s from behind me.

The door bell went and I looked at my brothers for them to go away. They did go but stayed in the hallway. I went to the door and there stood a very nervous looking Bradley. He had denim jeans on, a tight t-shirt to show his abs and a black jacket. He looked hot as he even did his hair.

"Hi.", I say to him. He just nods and is staring behind me. All 16 of my brothers were stood there staring at him with a menacing glare. When they noticed me glaring at them they all departed, not before giving him a final glare.

My father came out and greeted him.

"Come on in.", He said. "So you must be Bradley", He said shaking his hand. I noticed he put a gun in his pocket on display. I mentally face palmed my head. What is with these men.

"Yes sir, she'll be back before 12.", He said.

"Make it half 11 and we have a deal.", He said. Bradley nodded and looked towards me and smiled. He was staring at me and it made me blush. 

"You look beautiful.", He says whilst he was blushing himself. It was adorable. I smiled back at him. I gave father a kiss on the cheek and saw Grandpa at the top of the stares looking menacing as ever.

God help me I swear to fuck. I look to Bradley and it looked like he was about to piss himself. 

"Bye Grandpa.", I shouted to him. He waved back. I look towards Bradley as he held his hand out for me to take. I grabbed it and headed out of the door.

God I hope that this goes well.

(This was more of a filler chapter, I wanted to say in detail how cute her family is with Elijah. Who is your favourite character now?, Dont forget to vote :) )

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