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I was kind of nervous to meet the rest of them

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I was kind of nervous to meet the rest of them. I was very excited to see my brothers though. I didnt want to hurt them, I just wanted them to know my opinion and to make a point. 

When I walk in I am thrown into a hug in which I recognise as Raf by his colone. This was the first time ever hugging him and it felt....nice. I wasnt use to hugs, Infact my fathers hug was the first in a long time. Mason was really the only one to hug me for a long time.

"I missed you too." I say in his ear. He grabbed my shoulders and made me look him in the eyes.

"Never do that again.", He says. I nod and he lets go. Luca then throws me up in the air and my giggles fill the room as he hugs me. He puts his head in the crook of my kneck and I swear he smelled my hair. I cough and lets go.

"Lil sis, you are so fast.", He says. I laugh at him. Niccolo then comes forward with worry on his face.

"What happened to your fists, are you okay, do you want something to eat, have you slept, what do I do-", He rambles on.

"Hey Nic, I'm fine, I promise. Do I get a hug?",I ask in a sweet tone. His whole face lifts as he tackles me into a hug and I laugh. I turn around to see eight boys staring at me. Two sets of twins and four other boys smiling at me. Well six of them were, two were glaring at me. I glared back. 

One set of twins moved forwards. "Hi I'm Alfeo and this is-", He said to me.


"Finally a partner in crime. We will rule the house." I say back as his smile gets wider. I look to Alfeo and smile to him too. They move to the side. Another boy, he looks pretty shy but he was still pretty intimadating. He had the same aura as Raf. 

"Hi Im Giannio, Im training to be a doctor like Raffelle. Its nice to meet you." He held his hand out to me. I gripped his hand tightly and shook it. 

"Pleasure to meet you too. Cant wait for two health freaks in the house.", I say sarcastically. He laughs at my sarcasm. He nods and moves to the side. Another boy comes forwards, it was one of the other twins.

"Hello there, I am Claudio, dont mind me, Im the quiet one, this is my twin Carlo. He isnt that friendly but dont worry about it. Im normally in the music room.", He says with a smile. He looked really into his fashion.

"What instrument do you play?", I ask.

"Piano. Its my favourite.", He replied. 

"Same, we could do a tempo duet sometime?", I ask. He pratically breaks his kneck with him nodding so fast. I laugh at his antics and so does the rest of the family. I look behind me to see two boys step forwards. They were like Luca and Niccolo.

"Hey Im Roberto, your favourite cousin.", He says. I hear alot of "Hey" and "No way". In the background. The adults laugh at them.

"I'm Gianni, if you need help with any school work, Im the one to come too, I dont want to be part of the buisness, I want to work at Nasa."He says. My eyes lit up.

"Like rockets and space? Thats so cool I bet your really smart." I say back. He nods and smiles at me and they both move away. I look to see Carlo and another boy glaring at me.

"And you are?" I ask looking straight into his eyes. He looks taken back which makes the adults laugh at him.

"Um Im Danielo." He says. I nod. Stay clear of Danielo and Carlo. I look around to see an elderly woman stood watching this all unfold. She looked so happy. I walk up to her. She puts her hand out for me to shake. I shake my head and pull her hand and throw her into a hug. She hugs me back as she gives me a hearty laugh. 

"Family dont shake hands, especially not with my grandma." I say.

I havent hugged this many people in so long. 

"Ive always wanted a grandma.", I say to her. She smiles wide as she hugs me once again. This one was tighter than the first.

"CANT BREA-THE", I say to her. Everyone starts laughing as she quickly lets go. My ribs started to hurt and I have to breathe quickly to stop the pain. I look up to see people in concern. I look to grandma and she looks like she was about to cry.

"Im so sorry hunny, I didnt mean to hurt you. your just so small." She says. I smile at her.

"Its fine. Im fine.", I say with a smile. I turn to see two woman looking at me. They are trying to find out who I was and I was giving nothing away.

"You must be my aunties. Lou and Jasy told me about you guys.", I say to them. I look to one.

"Oh wow your pregnant, you must be aunty Lola. How far along are you.", I ask, genuinly intrested. It seemed to make them happy as they both smiled at me.

"6 months. Its twins boys god help me.", She says.

"I bet they will be amazing like the rest of them. Not Carlo and Danielo though.", I say playfully as I smirk at them. They try to hide their smile and they shake their head at me but I could still see it. I laugh at them and so does everyone else.

"Congrats, you must be aunty Julia, Lou told me so much about you.", I say whilst pulling her into a hug. She is hesistent at first to hug me back but she does so after a second or so. It felt nice. I get out of the hug and she smiles at me. I go over to Lola and look up to her. She nods her head. I put my hands over the bump and put my head to it.

"Wow", I whisper. I look up and smile. 

"Where is Everly and my only female cousin.", I ask.

"They went shopping earlier and went to bed. They were too tired to wait up.", My father says. I nod at him.

I look around for the one person I had been waiting to see. I see him in the corner looking away from me. I smile to my family and they get the hint to leave the room.

"Well we will be getting to bed now, we will see you in a few hours.", Grandpa said. I felt guilty that they were awake all night worried about me. They notice and smile at me. They all then go to their rooms, the twins were reluctant as they wanted to have a sleepover with me but a quick look from my uncle and they leave.

 Aunty Julia winks at me when she leaves. 

I walk up to Marco and stand right infront of him. I then do something I didnt know I would ever do. I hugged him. Tight. I felt tears emerging as his body stays riggid.

"Hug me back you idiot", I say with my voice cracking at the word idiot. He puts his arms around me and put his head in the crook of my kneck. I could feel my jumper getting wet with his tears.

"Please dont leave me again." He whispers. I suddenly felt the guilt all over again. I forgot how much it would hurt my brothers when I left for me to be gone.

"I promise I wont ever leave again." I say into his chest. He nods and soon I felt very sleepy. He must of noticed as he picked me up bridal style as I snuggled into his chest. He carried me to his room and sat me down on the bed and threw me a pair of his sweatpants and a very big jumper. I go into his backroom and got changed. 

I went back and got into the bed and snuggled into his chest. I fell asleep peacefully knowing I was safe in my brothers arms.

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