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I was so done with this bitch and her constant whining

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I was so done with this bitch and her constant whining. I sprint towards her and grab her by the hair, Mason tried to grab me but I kick him in the balls and he falls over. I give a warning look to anyone who tried to come near me and they all back away but father and grandpa.

I slam her head into my knee and drag her outside to the pool. She starts to freak out in my arms so I punch her in the ribs just how HE use too. I then grab her hair and drag her to the pool whilst she screams.

No one tried to drag us apart. They just stood there with their eyes and mouth wide open. Grandma was pleading to grandpa but he looked like he was amused.

I then push Everly into the pool, but only her head as I layed a knee on her back.

"YOU WANTED TO KNOW WHAT THEY DID.", I screamed in her ear as she stuggled to breathe against the water. The memories came back of him doing the same whilst she just watched.She watched as he pretended to drown me.

I did it over and over again until I let her fall onto the ground. She started to cough up all the water as she rolled around. She clutched her stomach and ribs.

"Every single day they did that whilst you sat on your goddam high horse. Well Im done with it. Its my fucking day now. One more word from your spoiled and uptight mouth and I swear to god Ill sow it shut.", I say to her. She looks at me terrified. It reminded me of, well, me. It was me sat in the basement. Scared to death that I was going to die.

"What your feeling now is what I felt for the last 15 years of my existance. Now excuse you whilst you have it for a few hours. Now get up. Stop being such a drama queen.", I say and walk back into the house as I hear people run towards her as she throws up.

I leave the house and go to the lake. I needed air. I sat on the swing and just sat there thinking.

I watched as Everly screamed at Elijah

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I watched as Everly screamed at Elijah. Elijah just snapped. I saw it coming. She had been weird all day and I knew why. It was nice to see Everly so happy, but she was starting to get on my nerves. She thought this day was all about her and thats what pissed me off. 

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