Looking for a job

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⚠️slight mentions of sexual assault⚠️

Y/n pov

"Come on Y/n your going to be late to your interview." my best friend Lily called from our living room. "Ok I'm coming." I yelled back. "You got this." I whispered to myself. I took one last look at my self in the mirror, making sure my suit *shown in the pic above* looked decent.

I grab my things and rush out the door saying a quick goodbye to my friend as she wished me luck.My dream job has always been to be a fashion designer but it's hard finding a job in that right away.So I resulted in a office job something small to start off with while I get myself out there. I soon got to the building as I walked up to it my heart started to race.I really wanted this job it was the only job I was interested in. A secretary yes of course it wasn't to exciting all it was me sitting at a desk, answering phone calls and typing stuff in a computer how hard could that be.

As I walked in I was greeted by a nice blonde haired lady she told me I could take a seat and wait. I mean how bad can this job be. As I waited I saw multiple women walk by and they all had very similar clothes on just like the lady at the front desk, they had lots of cleavage and I mean LOTS of cleavage showing though a white button up shirt with a pencil skirt that ended just above the knee, paired with black heels and a nice ruby red lip. I wasn't a big fan of the cleavage showing but it was cute all they needed was bit of coverage and a nice suit jacket to match the skirt and it would be fine.

I'm a very big feminist and I hope this isn't the dress code for everyone and that it is just a choice they all decided to make. I obviously knew by looks of it it was the dress code but I had the tiniest bit of hope that I wasn't right on the dress code. "Mr.Anderson is ready to see you now." The blonde lady from before announced. "Thank you." I replied." No problem at all just go straight through those doors" the lady said point towards two big oakwood brown doors. I opened the door and saw a man sitting at a desk just a few feet away. "Hello you must be Ms. L/n" the man said holding his hand out to shake mine. I took his hand in mine shaking and saying " Yes nice to meet you Mr.Anderson." "I was just looking at your resume and might I say it is very impressive" he said with a smile. As we sat down I noticed that all he was doing was looking at my chest. I looked down thinking maybe there was a stain but no stain he was just staring. I spoke up to make him look me in the eyes, " Thank you I try my hardest in everything I do." "I bet you do" he replied only to get one last look at my breast before looking at some paperwork on his desk.

"Ok I only have one question to ask you because everything is pretty much answered in your resume." He said. "Ok great." I replied with a smile. "Umm, what do you think of our dress code." You have to be kidding me I was right that was the dress code. " You mean like what all the women were wearing outside?" I asked clearly knowing the answer. "Yes it is very strict, you must have three or more buttons unbuttoned on you shirt no blazers, jackets, cardigans ect.  Past the front door. And you must wear heels and a red lip. You can wear pants the skirt is not mandatory but we prefer pencil skirts."

Is he being serious of course I wasn't ok with the dress code. "Is there anyway I could wear the blazer but open?" I asked trying to find some loop hole in the system. "No." Is all he says. "Well then I won't be having any business with this company at all." I state starting to get up to leave. "Please don't leave our company needs someone with your talent and ability." He pleads as I head for the door. Just as I reach the door I turn around and say, " You should really change your dress code it would be a shame if someone were to help these women get the cops involved. There sure must be a lot of sexual assault reports." I smirk as I walk out the door and strut out he building like a bad bitch.

On the way home I stop at a diner for something to eat since I skipped breakfast and it was already noon. Just as I step in side I see a group of people dressed in weird suits like they just got back from comic con. One man in American flag print with a shield by his left, the guy next to him was wearing purple and black with a bow and arrows next him,and on the opposite side of the table from him was the only woman in the group wearing all black with what looked like a weapon utility belt around her waist,and next to her a man that looked stressed, and across from him was a man in weird armor of gold and a red cape the a hammer on the floor next to him, and lastly a guy dressed in regular clothes like the other guy he looked upset like he had been crying, he also looked tired and drained of energy they all did. The lady was comforting him but it wasn't working I over heard her say "How about we order some shawarma." The man smiled at her suggestion and as I looked back over the lady was ready to seat me.

She took me to the booth behind the group of people. I picked up my phone and text my best friend.

Y/n: Hey I'm at the diner 65th st do you want anything to go


Y/n: Are they the people in the weird suits dressed for comic con

Lily: Knowing you and how you would describe people yes that is them🙄.

Y/n: Then yes they are you want something.


Y/n: Ok see you soon then

Lily was always a huge fan of the avengers. It was one of the main reason she moved to New York. She thought that maybe she would get saved by one of them and they would fall in love with her. Her mind always got the best of her.

              15 minutes later

Lily came running through the door satisfied when she saw they were still here she took a picture on her phone.I waved her over to sit down. She came over and sat down across from me. "So how did it go." She said eager to see if I got the job. "I walked out" I said putting my head down. She gave me a comforting smile and grab my hands. "You'll find a job." She said in a soothing voice. I really am grateful to have her as a friend. "Thanks." I replied back with a small smile. "I have a great idea." She said with a huge grin on her face. The kind of look when someone is up to something. "What are you up to." I know this guy who can get us into the really nice club." "Ok and what does that have to do with me" " Come on we never really celebrated graduating how we want to sooo...how about we go out tonight." "No" "Come on let go of the seriousness and professionalism and have fun for a bit."  I mean going out doesn't sound to bad I mean I could use a drink. "Ok under one Condition." I say with the same grin she had on my face. "What?" She said scared of what my reply would be. "You have to wear one of my designs." I said. "Of course I'll were your Design you have amazing clubbing dresses." She replied with a huge smile across her face.

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