The Past

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⚠️ Mention of Rape⚠️

Narrator pov

"It's Lily and .... Casey" is all he said and the smile you just had on your face was long gone. "Nick what do you mean Casey" anger laced in your voice. Bucky was on edge when he heard Casey's name as well. "Ok quick question from the rest of us who is Casey" Nat asked looking around seeing that Bucky's mood changed and it was obvious it had you and Fury involved in it. You looked up at Fury then Bucky they both nodded in reassurance. You took a deep breath and stated "Casey is my daughter". "WHAT" everyone except Bucky and Fury yelled in unison. You looked up at Fury to have him explain to everyone. He got the hint and did so. "You all probably want to know how I know Y/n personally along with Bucky" "Yeah I think so" Steve adds in.

"When Y/n was sixteen she was captured by Hydra, and over the years she was there they continuously tortured and beat her trying to convince her to join them. They then resorted to using her family against her. They threatened to kill her father in front of her if she didn't join. Her father begged her not to so she listened and didn't join he-" "He told me to close my eyes they forced them open. Then they did the same with my mother she begged me not to join as well. I had to watch them die in front of my eyes. Them they got to sister and I couldn't watch them take my eight year old sister's life so I agreed to join them. But they said I took to long to give them the right answer and killed her in front of me" tears start to fall from your eyes.

But you continue "I was seventeen at the time. They trained me that's how I met Buck and then they gave us missions. Fury was one of them. But Fury was smarter than me and I used that to my advantage to try and get help but they sent Bucky in when my earpiece went out. He got us out before I could ask. So I went another year. But within my time their it was a guard who was very nice to me and we became close friends. Or so I thought he had went to the Hydra boss at our facility (I can't think of his name) and asked if he could have me. Not knowing what he meant I thought he would take over my punishment for not finishing the mission and go easy on me. Boy was I wrong. He ended up-" you choke back on your words a bit. Bucky came over and rubbed your back a bit. Then you continued when you were a little composed.

"He r-raped me and told me I was all his. It made me feel dirty and unworthy of living until one day I got sick on a mission. They brought me to the doctor they had and found out I was pregnant. I thought they were going to kill me or the baby or both of us. But that guard convinced them to let me keep it since it was his baby still. They took care of me then. Fast forward nine months at least that's what I thought it was and I had my little girl Casey. Let's just say he wasn't happy that it was a girl I mean I was happy and it was pretty obvious that I was. So they used her against me if I were to fail a mission they would threaten to kill her. So I made sure to finish my missions. Until I got Fury yet again. So I may have sent him a warning in secret so he could find a way to fake his death and help me and my daughter from them. I had yet to believe that Bucky was in anyway good because they constantly brainwashed him to forget me. But Fury came and saved me and my daughter and I am ever so grateful that he did that" you smile up at Fury and he does the same in return.

"Fury found us a place to stay I was scared Hydra still had eyes on me so I had him put my daughter away and put her in safe keeping. We arranged a way for me to see her at least once a day unless there was a lot of Hydra sightings in the area we would meet. I meet her everyday at lunch today I went a little early and saw her. She's in school now so Lily takes her but I guess something happened today" you say looking up at Fury.

"Well now that everyone is caught up on who Casey is we need to save her and Lily they've been kidnapped by Hydra" Fury states. "What do they want in return" Steve ask he looked pissed but you didn't know why. You assumed that it was the fact that Hydra took yet another innocent person and one of them was a child.

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