Getting to know each other

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I feel a light shake on my arm. It most definitely can't be Lilly she would slap me across my face to wake me up. She knows I hate to be woken up so she comes up with fun ways to do so. "I need you to wake up" I hear a deep manly voice whisper in my ear. My eyes shoot open and I sit up in a panic. "DON'T TOUCH ME!" I scream out."Woah woah woah calm down Hot stuff." He says with his hands up in the air. I sigh "I'm sorry I thought you were the guy who umm-" tears start to form in my eyes. "Hey it's ok I'm here to help" he says. His face looks familiar."You look familiar I know you from somewhere." "I helped you get your friend at the club" "No your the guy from that diner. You were with those people in the weird comic con costumes." I say pointing my finger at him. "Oh your that girl sorry but you looked like you had it ruff that day." He says. I laugh a little "Yeah I had declined a job for an asshole who thinks sexualizing woman and there bodies is good for the business" I say rolling my eyes.

"Wow really. If you don't mind me asking where did you apply at and what for." He asked surprised at what I said. "It was for this guy Michael Anderson I don't know if you know him but I wanted to become his assistant but he's a jerk." I say with while rolling my eyes once again. " Oh him, I guess you can say I know him." He replied. He looks upset."You know we have been talking for a while and we don't know each others names. Hi i'm Y/n Y/l/n nice to meet you." I say with a smile and holding my hand out for the man to shake it. " Tony stark and pleasure is all mine" he replies while shaking my hand. "Wait Tony stark as in richest man in New York Tony stark?" I ask already knowing the answer. "Yep in the flesh" he replies with a smirk. "Oh my gosh just wait until Lily finds out she is going to freak." I scream out. "Wait where is she and where am I this doesn't look nor sound like a normal hospital." I say looking around confused. I get that i'm late to realize this but he seemed so welcoming and kind. "Don't worry she's fine and your in the Avengers compound aka Stark tower. Your in our medical center and your friend is safe and sound she is in one of the spare rooms."

"Ok so she's fine." I say revealed that she's not with some stranger I mean technically she probably is with one of the avengers. I'm pretty sure she begged one of them to cuddle with her she always needs cuddles after a night out. It was her routine she would try and get me to come with her but I always decline so I can record her asking (begging) for cuddles. We are both very cuddly girls. I just don't show it very much. Let's just say I've had a ruff life. " I should probably go and see her she likes to have cuddles after a long night of drinking." I say in a worried tone pushing myself up to get off the bed. "Don't worry she got Thor to cuddle with her he seems to have taken a liking to your best friend." he says with a chuckle. "Yeah she does that, hey you wouldn't happen to be hiring are you". "Yeah I am why do think I've been on my phone you have a very good resume. " He says while looking down at his phone. "Wait how did you-" "I asked my AI system to look up your resume" he cut me off before I could finish. " I mean I'm only qualified to be an assistant i'm pretty sure you have an assistant already." "Actually I don't I fired her but also didn't really." "What i'm confused what do you mean kinda." "She was my assistant I made her co owner of Stark industries, then we started dating." He looked down at his lap. Maybe I shouldn't have asked. "If you don't want to talk about it we don't have to." I say giving him a reassuring smile when he looks up at me.

"It's fine I need to talk about it it's been two weeks any way." He takes a deep breath. "She cheated on me and guess who with." "Who" I ask. I think I have a good idea on who it is. "Michael Anderson." he says with an annoyed smirk. "Hey it's ok i'm sure she'll realize she made a huge mistake." I say with a reassuring smile. He look up at me and into my eyes. "Thank you" is all he says."Why did you wake me up though might I ask." "You have a concussion" he says with a slightly serious face. "You could have waken me up and went to bed all I really would have need would be a sketch book." "Well you shouldn't have to be the only one awake and I never go to sleep anyways." I giggle at his reply. "Wait what did you need a sketch book for?" "I like to sketch up new designs for my clothing line." "You have a clothing line?" He says with a smile "Not really I haven't sold anything yet no stores will take my designs." "Why not?" "They say they aren't today's style. But that's what I have Lily for she wears my designs when ever she can." "Why don't you open your own shop." "I need to save up money but that's the plan." "Do you make clothes for men." "Not yet I need a male mannequin or a male model." I hope he gets the hint. "Sure i'll be your model if that's what your hinting at but under one condition." "And what condition is that stark." I say lean forward resting my elbows on my thighs.

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