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I'll kill your friends and family to remind you of my love

~You'll be Back- Hamilton


I leaned over the couch, smiling at my younger sister.

"Wacha doing?" I asked Talheane as she flipped through the TV channels. When she settled on one, she answered me,

"Watching the news." I frowned at her, confused.

"We don't watch the news," I said, looking at her like she was crazy and I reached for the remote, "It's depressing."

"Wait!" she exclaimed. Her face was horrified, but her voice sounded . . excited? "Oh, Ilsa. . . look." I followed her pointing finger to a reporter who was standing in front of an old abandoned movie theater.

"The bodies have been identified to be both young adults at ages 19 and 22." the reporter cleared his throat, as if he'd rather be anywhere else then standing in the sun and sweating through his shirt. "The police are investigating, and it seems that young Emmiline Lennox was shot by Irving Sencen. Irving Sencen was then fatally shot by an unknown person."

"What?" I said, weirded out. "There's gotta be another Irving Sencen. It's impossible. Irving would never shoot someone. . . " my voice trailed off as a picture flashed across the screen. There was no doubt that it was my Irving.

I couldn't hear the reporter's words anymore as I stared in shock at the picture that had moved to the top right hand corner.

"Interestingly, Irving Sencen had no past criminal records, and appeared to be a well adjusted young adult who was happy and satisfied with life. What could drive him to such extremes? We might not ever know, as he was shot and died soon after commiting murder," the reporter declared, getting into it.

"His victim Emmiline Lennox, however, left home the second she became an adult, never contacting friends or family again. Her reason for this was, quote 'I don't want to drag you into my problems.' unquote. If these problems were the reason she was killed, it seems that. . . '' His voice filtered into the background, drowned out by the blood rushing through my ears.

I fell onto the couch, so shocked and stunned, that I couldn't move. Deja-vu hit me like a slap in the face. Not again, I had already lost friends like this, last year, right before the visions started. And before that, years ago as a young child, I hadn't been able to understand what had happened. I had asked when I could see my friends again.

Talheane leaned toward me, and hugged me.

"Oh Ilsa, why did this happen?" she sobbed. "What kind of horrible person would kill Irving?"

Tears rolled down my cheeks, soaking Talheane.

"I'm going to get them." I vowed, "whoever shot him. They're going to pay for this."

Unbeknownst to me, Talheane smiled.

"Yes, I have a feeling that she's going to have a miserable life."

The End. . . or is it?

AN: There it is! 

The end.   .?

I'm going to do a crossover with three stories. :D (if I ever finish the other two)

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