Third day

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Third day

Today, I woke up like a baby. I had a dream about Liam last night. And, I still couldn't process it that he was inside my house, talking to my mom. Well, except from Eddie and my brother, he was the first boy who entered my room. I was definitely falling for this boy. I did admit that I was in love with him. But, that is not something to be taken seriously. We are worlds apart. The thought made me a sigh.

"Melanie, wake up! You're going to be late for school!" my mom shouted from downstairs.

I got out of bed and brushed, showered, got dress and ran downstairs. I was almost breathless when I got to the kitchen.

"Hey, Dirt bud. Where were you last night?" I said as I grab a toast and my juice. Dirt bud is the nick name I gave to my older brother since he rarely takes bath.

"Hey, Cleanie Millie. I was out with Josh and the gang. Watched a concert. I crashed at Josh." he said as he chewed on his food. He gave me that nick name because I was a clean freak. I mean who wouldn't, who else who clean all his junk other than mother.

"Right." I said before I ate another bite of my toast. "Dude, manners. You look like a pig." I added after I swallowed my food.

"Whatever, Cleanie Millie." He said still chewing his bacon. I just rolled my eyes in respond.

"Hey, sweetheart." My mom said walking towards my direction holding a coffee. She kissed my forehead then said to my brother sternly. "Bradley, don't talk when your mouth is full."

I snickered at that then my brother stuck his tongue out towards me like a six year old. My family consists of me, my mother and brother. Though I don't publicly own my brother as family, but he still is my annoying brother. The thought brought a smile to my face.

After eating, I looked at my watch and excused myself to go. I ran to the bus and got in time. I reached school a few minutes early, enough to get my books, and enough for the witch queen to get to me.

"Wow, I didn't know that it was retro day today. I didn't get the memo. But, someone here sure did." Britney said smirking while her friends laugh at her comment.

I tried to ignore them and walked as fast as I could to my locker. I got my things and got to my classroom in a fast pace. As I reached the door, I bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry." I said as I settled myself, and then looked up. I almost gasped when I saw who it was. I don't know whether it's just me but Liam looked extra handsome today. His eyes were sparkling like the clear blue sea on midday.

"Hey. Good morning." He said. His eyes sparkled even more as he smiled.

"Good morning." I replied, a smile slowly creeping in to my lips. I bit my lips to restrain it. I continued to look at him for what seemed a long time until someone cleared their throat.

"Hey. Get a room." The person said. I looked away from Liam and towards the person beside us. It was Eddie. He was smirking.

I looked away from him and Liam and walked towards my seat. I felt Liam and Eddie trailing behind me. As I got to my seat, I refused to look at Eddie's direction since I know he wants some dish from what just happen. Liam was staring at me. Why didn't he look away? I mentally said to myself. I was thankful when the teacher started the discussion. That ought to be good of an excuse to avoid Eddie and his questions. Well, it was another story when the bell finally rang. I sighed knowing that I have to face it. I gathered my things, letting people get out ahead. Eddie was also imitating me, knowing that I would try to avoid him. Then, something unexpected happen.

As I stood up, I didn't notice Liam standing in front of me.

"Hey. Can I walk you to your next class?" he said looking shy, and then he scratch the back of his neck.

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