Chapter 8

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Jimin felt the heavyweight on his body he tried to move but couldn't he peek through his long eyelashes and met with the most handsome yet dangerous man he had ever seen, Kim taehyung, the name of the other ring through his ears. he still sleeps like a bear Jimin looked down at their collided bodies and then he looked at taehyung's face again

His hair was falling on his forehead covering his eyes jimin brushed them back and runs his fingers through his hair just like he used to do when he woke up before taehyung and it happened almost every day, he wakes up early and stares at his face for hours and played with his hair or hear his heartbeats after so many years doing that he even remember the rhythm of the heart of the other

Jimin's pov

I chuckled at how whipped I was for this man and in the end what I got... betrayal and the disease for my whole life, would it be different if I never met him, or was it written in my fate to suffer, how pathetic I am to still feel this way towards him he still makes my heart fluttered just by the way he looked at me or the way he holds me so close to his heart

I'm the best shooter I trained to be the best but I know I will miss the bullet when he was the one standing at the other end of the gun, you were right Kim taehyung I can't hurt you even if I want to... I can't run from you

I heard the door opening sound I pushed taehyung off of me I was ready to fight with whoever it was but to my relief it was hoseok hyung I run to him and hugged him tighter just the way I did a long time ago when he helped me out of the hell hole just like now he hugged me back and rubbed my back it was so soothing I feel protected It was not the same feeling of protection I felt with taehyung but the feeling you felt with your family or a brother

"What took you so long?" I asked him in the hug "I'm sorry I should've come earlier jiminie" he broke the hug and kissed my head he always does that it's his way to show his affection and love and I'm used to it now "let's go home" he said and I nodded my head and glance at taehyung who was still sleeping on the floor peacefully "in my eyes he is my everything but in his, I'm just a whore"

End of jimin's pov

Taehyungs pov:

I watched as jimin pushed my body away and run to the guy who was standing at the door he always does that leaving me and running to another man's arm I pretended to be asleep but I was watching everything how he runs his filthy hands on his half bareback and kissed jimin's head, he covered him with his coat and left, it was my place

And he let him do that he was screaming last night to not touch him but in the end, he's just a whore, I wish you could understand what you meant to me, I stand up when they left I looked at the sparkling jacket he left behind I guess he's used to leaving pieces of clothing behind I picked it up and took my leave from this fucking room 

I opened my mansions door wide open "good morning jeon" I waved at jungkook who was drinking the juice he spilled the juice out of his mouth and namjoon walked out of the kitchen with the coffee in his hand these pieces of shits are having breakfast party when I was locked in that hell "surprised to see me back" I grinned at them both

"Si-ir" he tried to speak it always satisfied me how a man like him felt weak in front of me I smirked, "are you guys planning my funeral and your takeover to this place?" I asked and jungkook's face went pale "i-its not like that you know i-i can never do that" he stuttered again "I know you jungkook baby, but this man I still don't trust him" I pointed at namjoon "and I thought I'm like your family I feel hurt" he dramatically said and started drinking his coffee like he doesn't care

I always doubted him I don't know why he was my father's favorite jungkook is a lot better than him but father always chose him but it was all when he was alive after his death I made him go undercover and then I made jungkook my right hand and I know he hates me for that and he'll betray me one day but what he can do to me he's nothing in front of me and my power

I shrugged and looked at jungkook who looked like he'll piss in his pants at any moment, fucker you deserve that "you, out of my mansion right now" I pointed at namjoon "and you jeon come to my room now" I ran upstairs and jungkook quickly follow me behind I plopped on the bed my back hurts from sleeping on the hard floor

"What was taking you so long?" I asked jungkook who was standing in the corner quietly "we were trying and I thought it was Raven because the guards saw you went after him and then I found out it was yoongi and I was going to attack his place but namjoon stopped me, I'm sorry" he explained still looking down "you were going to attack yoongi?" I scoffed "you can't even find me and you think you can fight him"

I walked closer to him I put my finger under his chin and make him look at me his eyes were red and watery probably trying to stop his tears I couldn't think of a reason for tears in his eyes, "don't let your emotions control you jungkook, don't think from here" I pointed at his heart "think from here" and then to his brain he clenched his jaw and nodded I pat his chest I was about to walk when he asked, "are you okay?" I nodded and then I left for a long warm shower


Hoseok dropped jimin at his apartment he opened the door but jimin felt something weird he pulls out his gun and looked around his apartment he walked to the kitchen where the smell of freshly cooked pancakes spreading in the whole place a man was standing in front of his table placing the breakfast on it

"Good morning Raven or shall I say jimin," he said with his deep voice he turned around and I looked at jimin he was pale around jimin's height but more muscular and buff Jimin pointed his gun at his head "who the fuck are you?" he licked his thin lips "I'm yoongi aka Agust D nice to meet you, Raven," he answered "you were the one who locked me in that room and stole the crown I did hard work to steal"

He didn't put the gun down "no I locked hex there. you were locked there because of him and yeah seducing chanyeol for two hours does sound hard work to me" he replied sitting down on the chair eating the pancakes not bothering with the gun pointed at his head jimin sighed and finally puts the gun down he rests his hands on his hips "what do you want?" He asked "sit down and eat first I know you had a long night, locked up in a room with hex I can imagine how fucking hard would it be" he chews on his food

"I asked what do you want?" He asked again he is tired and now dealing with this man's bullshit is making him angry "as you already knew I'm hex's biggest enemy and I get to know that you hate hex too, long in short, why don't we kill him together?" He stated and jimin rolled his eyes "I'm not interested, you can leave now" he shortly said and yoongi chuckled "I guess you are tired right now, think about it and let me know when you change your mind" he smiled and left placing his card on the table

Jimin walked to the table and threw the card into the trash can he took a bite from the pancakes that yoongi made. he ate them all they tasted good and he was very hungry, he looked around his apartments "it's not a safe place to live" he thought to himself and then he went to shower after taking a long bath he talked to taemin for half an hour fall asleep while talking to him

After waking up he drove off to his new office building that had high security after taehyung attacking their older place they became stronger and jimin hired more and strong men he went to his office after a while someone knocked on his door he let the man in "sir, there's a courier for you from hex"

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