Chapter 10

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"Meet your son, Taemin"

Taehyung confusedly looked at the kid coming out of the room it's like he was staring at his child self same heart-shaped lips same eyes same nose everything about the kid was screaming Kim taehyung his mind was blank he couldn't think of any possibility of this kid being his he was standing there like a rock when the kid came and stood beside jimin

He looked up at jimin who had the look of proud and his eyes were saying something that he was trying so hard to hide he then look at taemin again and the kid asked jimin holding his hand "who's he daddy?" Jimin looked at taemin not knowing what to say to his baby it was harder than he thought it would be, he tried his best to be cool about the situation but it was eating him up inside

"He's daddy's friend go greet him" for now it's best if he introduces taehyung as his friend only, first they figure this situation out themselves, then they'll tell taemin about it he's a kid it will affect him so much "hi I'm Park Taemin" he greeted with a straight face his habit of acting tough in front of new people just like his father taehyung couldn't find any word he was in utter shock it was all surreal to him

When taehyung didn't reply taemin spoke again asking his daddy "is he mute?" Jimin smile at taemin he had a big mouth he grew up with jimin but have habits of taehyung he doesn't think before speaking and won't hesitate to say what was in his heart "no baby he's just shy" taemin nods and took a step further and held taehyung's hand into his other hand "be comfortable you are daddy's friend and so mine" he smiled at taehyung his one hand holding taehyung's and the other jimin's

And taehyung felt chills with the sudden skin contact of a kid he felt an unknown rage of emotions going through his body when jimin see taehyung isn't saying anything he ordered taemin to go play with his toys while he talks to his friend and taemin left the room going in his, jimin sighed looking at taehyung who was standing still jimin slowly pets his shoulder

"What the fuck is this?" He asked jimin coming back to his senses "it is what it is taehyung" jimin mumbled "stop with that prank it's not funny, STOP IT" he grabbed Jimin's arms tightly "it's not a prank taehyung he's your child, just look at him does it look like a lie to you" jimin quietly said making sure taemin don't hear their conversations "how is it even possible, why do you have my child?" Taehyung asked running his hand through his hair

it was all so confusing to him he never had sex with anyone without protection and taemin was so old to be his child he started having sex with women five years ago "how old is he?" He asked again not letting jimin answer his question "six" jimin answer "look you are lying, I had my first sex with a woman five years ago then how the fuck is he my child" he stated with a hint of relief "he's our child" jimin scoffed taehyung looked at jimin

And it was something he can never imagine "wh-at do you... mean?" He stutters "he's the gift you gave me seven years ago" jimin added he was on the edge of crying remembering all of the things that happened to him during that period it was the worst year of his life "I remember we had sex....but how can you? How can you get pregnant?" Taehyung questioned, the way nature's working was making it so hard for him to believe that he and jimin can have a child

a dark dry chuckle left from jimin's mouth "remember the pills I used to mom used to give me?" "yes? what does that have to do with this?" jimin sighs "well, she used to give me those so I could be more feminine and..." jimin quiets down on what he was going to say next, once he had the courage in him to speak again he continues "whore likely" he chuckles painfully on his own words "you fit the desires of those men, but I didn't know that I could also be able to give birth due to them"

Taehyung bites his lower lips it was all so sudden his past was hitting him like a train "why didn't you told me about all of this?" he had a child that he wasn't aware of, jimin kept him in the dark not telling him all of this "I called you..." Jimin sadly smiled at the time he needed taehyung the most and the way taehyung responded to him, he escaped through that hell alone "and you said you don't have anything to do with me because I'm the son of a whore and... A" he couldn't find the courage to complete his sentence "and a whore's child will always be whore"

Taehyung didn't say anything he cursed at himself for not asking jimin why'd he call again but he still blames jimin for all of that his son grew up in that environment without him "it's all jimin's fault if he wasn't such a slut it will never happen" he thought to himself he groaned and kicked the table in front of him in anger making things on the table falling making the loud sound "behave taehyung he's right into the next room" jimin glared at taehyung for his action he never acts like that in front of taemin he always tries his best to show taemin the best beautiful side of the world

Hiding him in his wings from all the monsters out there. taehyung rolled his eyes but still fix the table and sits up properly "I'm taking him with me" taehyung announced looking at the small apartment with a disgusted face jimin scoffed "ask him if he wants to come with you" taemin would never come with him he doesn't even know him "then you'll come with me too, I was apart from him for his whole life, I don't want to waste any further time"

"Stop being so emotional, don't forget he's the child of a whore too" and the words from jimin's mouth was like bullets of guilt that someone shot him directly in his heart one after one he remembers his nanny's words

"Always think before you speak taehyungie, you don't know when your words come back as karma hitting you harder"

She was right taehyung's cruel words came back hitting him harder crushing his pride but he remains arrogant egoistic and said "stop playing the victim to the circumstances you created" jimin arched his brows "I created?" He pointed at himself "right I want to be the son of a prostitute and I also wanted to be one, right" he scoffed not believing taehyung would still say something like that

"Why do I still think of him to show a little sympathy towards me when he doesn't show at that time leaving me in that situation" taehyung sat there quietly folding his arms in his chest thinking of a solution to this situation "are you coming with me or not?" He finally spoke "I'm not, I can't live with you under the same roof" jimin replied playing with his nails "look I'm not letting my child live here in this little ass apartment he's a Kim he was born to live like a King"

"You are so proud of your descendant but he's a Park, not a Kim I think you didn't listen to how he introduced himself as" it was jimin's turn to drag taehyung down and his pride and he's loving it, the way taehyung's face color was changing "I'm his father you gave birth to him so technically you are the mother here, so he will get my surname" he laughed at the end a little coming out of his arrogant aurora of his being soft and happy to be a father

"No, he's not having your surname" jimin fought back "it's not something you will decide" "I will decide everything here" jimin announced as a king taehyung sighed in defeat he's right he's in the charge now and he doesn't want to fight right now he just wants to hug his son he always dreamed of having a family when he was young, he wants to become the best father and the father his kids will feel proud of

"I want to talk to him," he said looking in the direction taemin left earlier jimin nods "taemin" he called, and he walks out of the room quickly "sit with...him while I arrange the table" he smiled and ruffled his hairs and glared at taehyung as a threat to not say something stupid to him taehyung fixed his clothes and sits more properly crossing leg taemin copy his gesture

And fix his shirt to sitting cross leg like him taehyung chuckled at his cute behavior he cleared his throat before speaking "I'm Kim Taehyung" he introduced himself "oh so you are Kim taehyung" taemin replied making an o with his lips you "know me? How?" He asked, "Daddy used to call you in his sleep when he got sick, you are his close friend?"

Taehyung was surprised. why'd he called his name in his sleep when he got sick maybe because he used to treat for so many years "yeah" taemin nods and look taehyung up and down "look I have a mole like you on my nose" he showed him his nose taehyung smile and nods "it's beautiful" he commented "mine? Yeah it is" taemin added that makes taehyung chuckle he got the sass from jimin

"Dinner is ready, come to eat" jimin announced, and they stand up and walk to the table even the way they walk was the same they all sit on the table starting eating the dinner jimin make he didn't realize how much he missed jimin hand made food until he took a bite of it and it was so delicious that moan slipped through his mouth taemin giggle and jimin smiled slightly at taehyung

"The food is delicious daddy, isn't it Mr. Kim?" Taemin complemented jimin's food and asked taehyung "yeah it is" he couldn't help but agree with him and jimin smirked proudly they all were eating their food jimin looked at them they look like a happy family eating dinner that makes it felt like a dream jimin always dreamed off but he knew it won't last forever.

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