my pleasure.

183 5 2

Tw; Slight Smut, Self pleasure

Y/N caught herself staring straight at Taehyung's body, admiring his build.

"Taehyung. You're so hot.", she buzzed.

Taehyung simply ignored her statement, considering her state of being.

"What you're just not going to reply? Taehyung please. I want you so bad. Please.", she begged.

"Y/N, you're drunk. Stop it."

"That doesn't change the fact that I want your dick in me right now. Drunk or not."

Taehyung was immediately taken aback by her words. He didn't expect that to come out of her mouth. She didn't seem very bold normally. If anything she resembled pureness. Did she really want him that bad all this time? Even after she had walked in on him and his last personal assistant? He knew he couldn't. She was drunk and that would be morally wrong, no matter how bad he wanted it. Was he a shitty guy for almost wanting to fall into her words? Something was different about Y/N , but he just couldn't put his mind on it.

Y/N's constant moans, and pleads for his body were getting to be too much. Too tempting. Taehyung needed her to shut the fuck up, and now. He grabbed her chin and harshly pulled her lips into his own.

Finally, it was quiet.

Shit, Y/N had rubbed up against him, causing Taehyung to pull away in a slight panic.

He took a deep breath in, and bent down towards my ear whispering, "I guess there's no harm in making you feel good."

Taehyung's free hand started to lower, from Y/N's jawline to to her collarbone, her waist then thighs eventually making its way down farther to her clothed cunt. He began to rub, the friction of his hand sending waves of pleasure throughout her body.

"Mmm I love that face you make y/n.", he said softly.

That smirk I knew all too well was stuck across on his face. Taehyung was enjoying this.

"I can wait to fuck you dumb Y/N. Not today though, not with you drunk."

-mini time skip-
____ ____ ____
Taehyung helped Y/N out of the shower. Drying off her body, and putting her into a change of clothes, from his own wardrobe. He guided her into his room, and then into his bed.

"Ughh Tae I don't want to sleep yet, I'm not tired!", Aerisa whined.

"I don't care, go to sleep." , Taehyung spoke, beggining to walk away from the bed and out of the room.

"Wait. Taehyung come back, where are you going?", she asked.

"I'll go sleep on the couch."

"No, I want you next to me. Please? Even only if it's for a little. Just until I fall asleep.?"

With the way she was looking at him, Taehyung couldn't refuse. Her eyes were pure, making her look so, so innocent. She looked like a lost puppy. The way her eyes glistened was cute. But, he also knew that if he gave in now, he wouldn't be able to control himself later.

"Fine. Just give me a minute I need to do something real quick."

Taehyung rushed into the bathroom, not even wasting a second to pull out his already throbbing cock. He was extremely hard. His cock pulsed with anticipation. There was only one person to blame for it. He didn't know how he had controlled himself for that long. He had never hesitated this much with someone before.

His eyes were shut closed. Dark half moons against his skin, and his jaw was tense. He began to pump himself slowly, but intensely. Maybe it was too much, but the friction was lovely. He squeezed his eyes shut at the thought of Y/N. His body pulsating, showing the pull she had over him. His breathing was erratic by now. He continued to pump himself. The bathroom sink was his only support. The silence was loud. He tried to stay as quiet as possible, not wanting Y/N to find out what he was up to. He closed his fist around himself and began pumping even faster. He was big. Way larger than most would think.

"Fuck. I'm almost there."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2022 ⏰

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