Chapter 23 - Moving in Accident!

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Kevin's POV ( told you guys!)

We finally arrived at the new flat.
It looks amazing !
We already are halfway moved in .

Everyone is helping with everything.....

John and Taman.....

Helping with furniture , and living room!

Bella and Austin.....

Helping with the rooms and bathrooms!

Simiran and I .....

Helping in the kitchen!

I haven't really talked to Simiran , I just I don't know.....
I try to but then John just takes her away from me ! 😡😤

This was my chance!

We were just putting away all the plates and cups and glasses....exc.
When Simiran accidentally dropped a glass on the floor .


The sound echoed through the whole flat because the next thing you knew the others came rushing in.

"What happened!?!"
"Are you okay?"
"Love , are you okay?"

They all asked Simiran.
I'm guessing you already know what Taman asked??

I just stayed quiet because if I tried to talk to Simiran in front of the others , John would just pull her away.

"I'm ... I'm f..ff...fine." Simiran stuttered.

Everyone looked like they didn't BELIVE her but they just nodded and got back to working.

Simiran bent down to pick up the glass and I bent down to help her.

I noticed blood trailing down from her wrist.
She accidentally cut herself with the glass.

I stopped picking up the broken pieces and looked at Simiran.

"Hey , are you okay?" I asked her.

"I'm fine like I said." she replied.

"Hey , I know you don't like me and I fucked up and I'm sorry I really am." I spoke. "Please forgive me and I know you aren't fine because there is blood flowing out of your wrist so let me help you." I continued.

"I am fin...."
Before she could finish her sentence I cut her off by lifting her up and carrying her bridal style toward the bathroom.

I saw John make eye contact with me but I just ignored it.
I got to the bathroom and put her on the counter.

She just looked at me and smiled faintly.

" I'm sorry , I forgive you and it was my fault ." she spoke .

"No it's my fault, stay here don't move I'm coming back with the emergency kit." I replied smiling.

She nodded and I left.

John's POV

Why was Kevin carrying Simiran?
What's happening?
Is she hurt?
Why didn't she tell me?

I'm going to find out.

I was about to head towards the bathroom and ask Simiran but Taman had stopped me.

"Jc honey , help me ,the couch is crushing my flower pot....not an actual flower pot but my flower pot , meaning my privates, meaning my di....."

He was about to go on but I stopped him.

"Okay okay coming." I replied.

That's the thing about Taman is he says something funny and he thinks you don't get it so he starts explaining it, it always ends up being something dirty or a story between a giraffe and a gorilla getting married and creating something.

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