He ran up to me. "TAKA WHAT ARE YOU DOING...?!" He grabbed my wrist. I just stood there with my eyes tightly closed. I felt the need to cry so badly that I couldn't cry. I was just standing there as if I was just really scared to be hit or something. I was looking down at the floor. He grabbed the knife out of my hand and put it in his pocket. We didn't even talk at all. He just grabbed my hand and brought me to the parking lot of the school. "Get on" he said. I didn't want to go on his motorcycle I've never been on one! I shook my head instead of using words. He grabbed my hand and forced me to hold on to him. I rested my head on my shoulder. I did not know where going but I held onto him tightly knowing I could trust him with my life.
We got to his house. "HEY WE CANT DITCH SCHOOL!" He rolled his eyes. "Calm down dude, they won't care. I held my arm and followed him. We went to his room and I laid down in the same exact spot he kissed me when we were kids. "So what made you do this? I can do much to help I promise." It look took me a moment to respond but I said. "Ever since I joined student council I wasn't able to care for you and then you started dating Enoshima which resulted into you becoming a bully again, you cared about her so much you'd bully me too. Why oowada, why?" He looked down like he was about to cry. "D-Dude, I didn't know...I promise I can talk to Junko about it." He offered me that...I was shocked! "N-no it's okay!" But the thing is it actually wasn't okay. I hated Enoshima but if I said that I would be rude. "Well want to do something now that your here?" He asked. "Sure! Let's t-take a shower together!" I regret saying that while I was. "Uh dude isn't that kinda gay?" "Well you kissed me back in 5th grade?" Oowadas face went red, "WAIT- how do you know." "You we're wearing lipstick silly!" Be both stared laughing. "I do that with all my friends I never liked you like that!" He said while still laughing. That made me stop laughing. A couple seconds after he noticed me stop he stopped laughing too.
We got into the bathroom. "Can I at least wear shorts?" "Nope! Seeing others naked is a form of trust!!" He blushed and went in before I could. He still looked very embarrassed. But for me I did not care what he thought of me. He got the shampoo and started washing his own hair. But that's not how it works. I grabbed the shampoo bottle and started washing his hair for him. "Hey what are you-!" I cut him off, "Just washing your hair!" He ended up dealing with it. We were sitting at the bottom of the tub with the water halfway full with water. I was scrubbing his hair. It was so much more softer without all that hair gel he was using to keep his hair up like that. I don't know what's up with him and that hairstyle. I turned around and he started scrubbing mine. His long fingernails in my hair felt so relaxing, I would do this again with him but I don't want him to think I like him.
We got out. "That was not that bad!" He said. I smiled and we both goth dressed without looking at each other. I put on my moms sweater because it was still in my bag and my pants I wore to school earlier today. We went to his room. "So, what should we do now?" "Let's go make a snack down stairs!" I smiled. We got downstairs and he got out a piece of candy to keep my occupied while he cooked. "Ooh what candy is this?" I asked. "It's actually a jolly rancher, they're one of my favorites." I ate it and it tasted so good. I've barely ever had candy in my life because of how my dad raised me. My dad loved me lots and he was strict when it comes to what I eat. His father did the same to him until he was an adult. He told me his father hit him to. I love my dad and I took one so I can bring it to my dad.
"Here you go!" The food was done. He gave me turkey sandwich with a side of sliced apples and peanut butter. He was eating what looked like left over fries. I can't really say I'm surprised this is what he made. I wouldn't expect for him to be able to cook anything good. We ate in silence for a bit until he finally said something. "So about Junko, what do you want to me to do about it?" "Uh- I don't know just don't hurt her, please..." I said. I hated Enoshima but I didn't wish harm upon her. I looked at my watch and it was already 4:00 which means schools over. **BEEP** Oowada got a text on his phone from someone. "What does it say?" I asked. "Uh babe I'm coming over, I'm three minute away" he turned bright read and then said "YOUR NOT BABE, THATS WHAT THE MESSAGE SAYS-" he sounded nervous about it because he thought that I thought he was calling me babe when I knew it was just Junko's message. "Uh- HIDE" he said. I ran to the bathroom and hid behind the shower curtain. I've never been to mondos enough to know the best place and I've never played hide and seek before so I had no skill and hiding from her. Then she screamed "BABE IM HOME!" I was scared she was goanna find me.

Ishimondo - "The boy next door"
Fanfiction"The boy next door" is a story I thought of in my head randomly one night, so today I'm turning it into a Wattpad. It's basically about how Mondo and taka were neighbors since they were little kids, but I don't wanna say anymore because Ill spoil it...