I decided not to go back to gym. I'd love to help and all but I just couldn't. I just wasn't in the mood. After what Mukuro said I just felt...too tired. I went back to my locker and got my bag and all my other stuff in it. The hallways were just completely empty. I felt like I owned it or something. No one was their, even Chiaki already went home. I just wanted to go to sleep and loose my memory or cradle up in a corner and stay their forever but everything was recorded on the cameras. I forced myself to walk in the gym and talk to kyoko.
I got to the gym and talked to kyoko. "Oh hey taka! What's up?" She said. They did a lot of the gym without me. It looked like the already got the sighn ins ready, the food and even all the banners peko made were ready. They were just putting all the decorations up. "Well you see, Mukuro doesn't want to talk to me now and now I feel guilty." I explained to her. "Oh wow- I'm so sorry Kiyotaka. If you want to go home and just relax I completely understand." She said. "Thank you so much Kyoko, it means a lot." I smiled while a tear came down my face. "Of course, we got this okay?" She explained. I walked away and left the building for the day.
When I left the building I was freezing and was folding my arms together on my shoulders, shivering in the cold windy weather. While on my walk home I hear a really loud engine that ends up coming right next to me. "Need a ride?" A familiar voice said. I turned around and it was... "Mondo! Oh thank gosh your here, I'm freezing!" I said. "Of course! Take my jacket dude!" He said. He handed me his large jacket and I just felt pride and joy in it. I got on the back of his motorcycle and held on to him as tight as I could without hurting him. I put my head on his shoulder carelessly. I did it without being embarrassed either. I know he would just think of it in like a brother way. But then when right before we left and I opened my eyes I saw a girl. I wiped my eyes and saw...it was Mukuro. She was staring at me with something in her hand. I looked closer and it looked like she was holding roses and a knife. I got freaked out and blinked again. This time...she wasn't standing there.
Mondo drove off and I felt the clothes flapping on my skin. I felt cold and warmth at the same time. I loved being on Mondos bike. Yeah it wasn't that safe but when I was with him on that bike it was like all the negative thoughts fell out of me and wouldn't come back. I want to ask Mondo to the dance but after what happened with me and Mukuro I would be scared if he would reject me like how harshly I did to Mukuro.
I wasn't paying attention and way listening to much to my thoughts and then realized he was bringing us in some parking lot of a restaurant. What if this is like a date and he's goanna ask me to be his boyfriend!! That thought in my head just filled up my heart. I held my hands together as we both got off the bike. "Oh uh- do you want your jacket back?" I asked. "It's okay dude, you can wear it." He said and smiled. I looked down and blushed. Their was just so many things I loved about this boy. Too much reasons that I can't write a list.
We walked into the diner and we sat down at the booth the waiter brought us to.
I just stared at him the whole time. The words I was thinking wanted to escape my brain but I just forced myself to keep my feelings in. I just wanted to get it over with but if I did either I can make this moment better or ruin it.
Suddenly, the waiter came up. "What would you guys like to order today?" He asked. "Can we order a dish of tempura?" Mondo asked. "Coming right up!" He said and walked away. "So...how was student council?" Mondo asked. "Oh student council...? It was...uh...well...ehh...uhm...it was...fine?" I kept stuttering because I was deciding on whether or not I should tell Mondo about what happened between me and Mukuro. "Dude, just tell me. I won't judge." He said. "Ok, you promise you won't tell ANYONE?" I asked. "Mhm, now go on." He responded. "Well you see, mukuro...she likes me." I explained. "She likes you? Are you dating or...?" He was goanna finish his sentence but I could tell he did not know what else to say. "I rejected her because...because I like someone else." I said in a proud tone. "Oooh taka has a crush!! Who is it dude?!" Mondo asked. I felt like this was a sign he didn't like me back because he would've been sad if I told him I have another crush. "Uhh....?" I said. I couldn't tell him because it was him! I had no idea what to say.
Suddenly, the waiter came over and brought us our food. Me and Mondo didn't talk or anything but we kept glancing at each other every now and then. Was this a sign? Did he actually like me the same. Then out of nowhere Mondo said something, "Uh wanna come over tonight, And have like...a sleepover?" "Of course bro!" I said. I was so happy that he asked me that.

Ishimondo - "The boy next door"
Fanfiction"The boy next door" is a story I thought of in my head randomly one night, so today I'm turning it into a Wattpad. It's basically about how Mondo and taka were neighbors since they were little kids, but I don't wanna say anymore because Ill spoil it...