I was sitting on the bike knowing this would be even worse then any roller coaster In existence. "B-be careful!" I said. I started it up and started driving. I wanted to scream. This felt like the end for me. I just couldn't do this. I started letting out some tears a bit and only hugged him tighter.
Eventually we got their and it was all over. "Mondo what the heck?!" I said. "That was the worst experience I've ever had in my whole entire life!" I continued. He giggled a bit and I just rolled my eyes. We got into the school and took the elevator to our class. Right before we entered Mondo told me, "Close your eyes!" So I did. He opened the door and everyone screamed "SURPRISE!" I opened my eyes and covered my hands with my mouth and slowly started crying happy tears, the whole class set up a surprise party for me while I was gone as a getting better party! I was crying so much I couldn't even talk. "T-T-Thankyou s-so m-much, I-ve never gotten something l-like this before!" I said. I could barley talk because of how much I was crying. I didint know that they really cared about me this much.
"Gift time! Gift time!" Asohina said. We went in order. One by one they all gave me a gift. "Here Kiyotaka, I don't really know what you like so I got you this pot of flowers, I'm so sorry!" Sayaka said. "Oh don't worry I love it!" I responded. Then it was Mukuros turn. I knew she'd give me something good. "Hey taka, long time no see? Well here's your gift." She sounded sad but I took it anyways. She got me...a knife?! I kept it and hit it right away when I got it and she walked away too quickly for me to say Thank you. "Hey broski! Here's your gift dude." Leon handed me the gift and I took it. He got me a ticket to a baseball game. "H-hey Kiyotaka. I uh, got you this rainbow pride pin." He handed me the pin and I put it right on. "thankyou Chihiro!" I thanked him for it. It really suit me well but I hid it from Mondo.
We went on with the gifts. I got stuff like donuts from Aoi, some money from Celestia, and a new book from toko. But we weren't finished yet. I still had Junko and Mondos gift. "You fucking think that I would actually buy YOU anything?!" Junko said. She started laughing at me. "Ms Enoshima! In the hallway right at this instance!" The teacher said. I looked down holding my arm. "Hey kiyoudai, I'm so sorry about her." He said. "Don't listen to her! Think positive!" Aoi said. They all made me feel better. "Oh wait Taka- My gift." Mondo said. Everyone started circling around us and I had literally no idea on what was going on. He stood right in front of me and grabbed my hands. "Kiyotaka...will you." He said. "Will I....?" I said. It took him a while to say but I waited for him to just say it. "Will you...you know, go...nevermind?" He said. Then. Everything paused.

Ishimondo - "The boy next door"
Fanfiction"The boy next door" is a story I thought of in my head randomly one night, so today I'm turning it into a Wattpad. It's basically about how Mondo and taka were neighbors since they were little kids, but I don't wanna say anymore because Ill spoil it...