When I opened my eyes I saw something I wish I never had to see. It was Mondo. Mondo was...dead. Mukuro was about to stab me but Mondo went in-front of me for protection. And he took the knife for me. He died...for me. "HOW COULD YOU?!" I screamed to Mukuro. "Oopsies!" She said. This was the worst but best day of my life. I hated it so much but atleast I had that last moment with Mondo. I grabbed his head while he was bleeding terribly from his abdomen. "PLEASE...PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME! YOU PROMISED!" I said to Mondo. "Listen I...I..have no choice." He smiled and grabbed my cheek. I just couldn't stop crying. He was dying right infront of me. "I love you Taka." He said. His eyes shut and then I got the sign. He was dead. "MONDO PLEASE ITS TOO SOON!!" I was shaking him like crazy and I knew he was dead but I was no where near ready for this moment.
"Oh well so sad! Your turn my love." Mukuro said. I blinked and their he was. Kiyondo came out of me. And he was goanna save us. While I was just watching in our body he pushed Mukuro to the floor. He just stared at Mukuro and waited for her to do something. "Oh well...I guess I lost this time. See ya in another life my love." She said. Then she suddenly just stabbed herself in her heart. I came out again and swapped with Kiyondo. "WAIT NO MUKURO WE CAN RESTART THIS-" I said. Now my two favorite people in the world were now just dead. I was all alone and it wasn't possible for me to talk to Kiyondo without being in the bathroom.
At this point I knew that their was no reason for me to keep going but I did anyway. I forced myself to walk out of the room and get my phone. I called the police and had a long conversation with them. I just did not want to accept the fact that Mondo was now dead and gone. I knew I'd no longer ever be happy again but I know Mondo would want me to keep going. I went to the room and stood in the doorway. I put on the light and it was much worser then I thought. Mukuro and Mondo were lying dead on the floor and their was blood literally everywhere. I took off the jacket that was on Mondos dead body and put it on myself for a memory of him.
I heard the police sirens and walked them to my room. "So, how did this all start?" They asked me. "It all stared when I confessed my feelings for Mondo, who is the boy with the long hair laying dead on the left." I said. I stopped and took a deep breath then continued. "Then we were cuddling and he fell asleep. I saw something out the window so I got up and saw it was he girl with short black hair, laying dead on the right. She loved me...she loved me too much." This was so embarrassing to talk about. Maybe the police would take me to jail for being in love with a man? Then I continued to talk. "She broke in and she tried stabbing me. But then Mondo went in front of me and saved me. He got stabbed instead of me. I have a personality disorder so after he died, my other personality came out and pushed her to the ground because after Mondo died she attempted to go for me again." I said. I needed a break from talking again. I felt my feelings quickly leaving my body. Knowing I would never be happy again. "Oh and then like I said, my personality came out and pushed her, then she accepted the fact that she lost and stabbed herself." I said. At that point all my emotions were gone except for two. I only felt sadness and numb at the same time.

Ishimondo - "The boy next door"
Fanfiction"The boy next door" is a story I thought of in my head randomly one night, so today I'm turning it into a Wattpad. It's basically about how Mondo and taka were neighbors since they were little kids, but I don't wanna say anymore because Ill spoil it...