Nam Woohyun

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Woohyun knew that he loves pretty things. That's why it came as no surprise for him when he found out that he loves Sungyeol. Even though he always had this strange feeling toward Sunggyu, he was not very sure what it was. Sunggyu was not the definition of pretty, the end of story. Maybe he is cute, handsome even, or realistically charismatic. But he was not pretty. Woohyun liked pretty things. And Sungyeol was pretty. He had pretty eyes, pretty smile, pretty hands, pretty ass, pretty heart, he was definitely the definition of pretty. And they shared an awfully similar joke taste too. That was definitely a plus!

Somehow Woohyun fell more and more in love with Sungyeol through their time together. He still could picture their first meeting. Sungyeol was awkwardly tall and he was jittery all the time. The 5 original member of Infinite never liked the addition member idea. Moreover, Sungyeol was the last member to join. He remembered how Sungyeol awkwardly ask Sunggyu's help to practice, and how Sunggyu giving him cold shoulder. He got Sunggyu intention, but this kid eyes start to glos, and fuck in the end he have to debut with this kid so screw it he decided to help him. However that once jittery kid was awfully noisy when you have close enough relationship with him. He was all smile and sunshine. How different Sungyeol was then and before charm Woohyun even more.

Woohyun was all eyes on all of Infinite member. He could understand complicated Sunggyu the most, relate to energetic Dongwoo, showed off with Hoya, bragging about Myungsoo, bickering with Sungjong, and playing prank with Sungyeol. But Sungyeol always catch his attention. He was always happy and it was not normal. But Woohyun watched and he knew, he knew how broken Sungyeol was whenever he failed on his audition, how shaken Sungyeol was whenever fans accused him untalented, how tired Sungyeol was until he collapsed after their schedule. But Woohyun knew too how Sungyeol always always always got up and tried to be better. Sure Sungyeol was childish and sometimes impossible. But all in all it made Woohyun found himself fall even more to Sungyeol.

Unfortunately he was not that sharp on romantic sense. He knew that all of Infinite member fond of Sungyeol. But he didn't realize how fond they are. He knew that Sunggyu believe him the most out of all Infinite member. But he didn't know what Sunggyu felt toward him was so much more than that. That was why he didn't realize that actually, he always has two persons in his own heart. Somehow someday he decided that he would confess to Sungyeol. He was not so sure about Sungyeol's feeling. But he was confident enough that Sungyeol will consider try something between them. Because hey, they always have a great chemistry! Maybe they can work out somehow right? So it came as a great surprise when come the time for him to finally confess to Sungyeol.

Woohyun POV

"I am so sorry hyung... but me and Dongwoo hyung is together. We decide not to tell all of you because we think you all will know eventually. I am so sorry hyung..."

Oh why he had to look so guilty? And no no no, don't you dare to cry on me Lee Sungyeo! It is me who want to cry here! It always surprised me how easily this choding can shed tears, when he claim himself manly!

"Oh... is that so? Hehehe sorry Yeol I don't even realize that you and Dongwoo have a thing together! How dense am I right? Hahahahha" oh well that sounded awkward. God, could I escape already from here?

"But hyung..." oh those eyes, so big and so pretty I can't help but stare at them. Those eye which captivated me on the first place.

"What is it Yeol?"

"I always thought you like Sunggyu hyung?" he tilted his head and looked at me curiously.

Oh well that is unexpected. I went blank after Sungyeol say that. I liked Sunggyu?

"But Sunggyu not pretty?" I am not sure why it sounded awfully like a question. Sungyeol laughed and what he said next made me think for a very long time after that.

"What pretty has to do when you fall in love?"

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