Lee Sungyeol

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Sungyeol POV

From the very first time I joined this Infinite band, I knew I have to work really hard. I auditioned on Woollim showing all sort of talent I had. The CEO went as far as scolded me not to sing anymore. But then he went and made me an Idol which the job was to sing and dance. Well I knew there was nothing impossible so I embraced this opportunity readily. But as I stated before, it was hard, really really hard. There were a lot of time when I felt so pressed and I tried to skip my training or even went home. But I always came back here. I couldn't just leave the other member. I have to accept that sometimes, scratch that, just sometimes, I acted like a spoiled little brat, thus I kept changing my decision. But I decided, in the end I would always be Infinite Sungyeol.

As loud as I am I realized that I tend to act shy around new people. It was hard for me to build a close relationship with the other member at first. But I always felt grateful that the other member welcome me in the end (not really at first, but after they decided to accept me, they accepted me like nobody ever did). It was just natural that Sungjong was my very first close friend here. We both joined late and he was always that easy to approach. He was our group maknae, so it was just natural that every member has soft spot for him. Even me, and I decided to show him in my very elegant way, that world was not unicorn and rainbow. As maknae as he was, I knew that Sungjong had the best observation among us. And he knew. He always knew what was going on in Infinite, even when nobody told him anything. That was why he would always give me his opinion, even when I didn't tell him anything. I always felt thankful for that, because sometimes I felt like I couldn't relay my problem through word but I knew I need his opinion.

Sunggyu hyung was the type of conservative man. He was really really hard to approach but when you were considered his friend, he would be the first one who supported you, who encouraged you, who believed in you. You know, like if you were bullied, he was the type that punched the one who bullied you even without your knowledge. He didn't consider me as his friend readily the first time I had join, but he warmed up to the idea slowly, and I knew now he treasure me as much as other members. I knew Hoya was awkward. And it didn't work well with me, the end of story. Maybe we were not the best of friend in Infinite, but I always idolized him. He held such a big impact in Infinite. And I knew how he always worked really really hard in everything. I admired him for that. He was not multi talent. He didn't have all that talent of his from above. I knew he worked on it continuously, diligently until the talent became his own. And I always hope that I could be a little like him.

Woohyun hyung and Dongwoo hyung would always be the easiest to approach. Woohyun hyung was the kind of man you felt that you could rely on, in any given situation and condition. He gave the "old friend" vibe. That was why I felt so surprised when he confessed his feeling to me. Well, maybe not really. Despite what Woohyun hyung believe, he was actually easy to read. I knew he liked me a little bit better than any other members, but I thought he always liked Sunggyu hyung better than me. Somehow I felt guilty when he confessed, because I already in relationship with Dongwoo hyung, and I never told him. But eventually we get over it, rather quickly I may add, considering it was Woohyun and being Woohyun's friend was always easy. And Dongwoo hyung, I thought he was the manifestation of angel. Who could argue that? That was why it shaken me pretty bad witnessing Dongwoo hyung being angry, at me nonetheless. But then he was back to being an angel that he was. And it charmed me like a spell. I liked him the best and I still did. I always felt guilty realizing that our relationship have to come to an end because of me. But like the angel that he was, he always made me sure that it was not my fault. And I believed Dongwoo hyung was the only one who could make me actually believe that our broken relationship was not anybody's fault.

And then there were Kim Myungsoo, my best friend, my best rival, and my best partner. I dared to say that our friendship was something that nothing could stop. It was just felt right and natural like two pieces of puzzle that belong to each other. As easy as being Woohyun's hyung friend, it was easier being Myungsoo's friend. It was not because Myungsoo was that type of people who was easy to befriend. It was just the fact that he was Kim Myungsoo and I am Lee Sungyeol. It was like we were just fated to be beside each other. He was always there being my friend that I didn't realize what my feeling actually were for him. I told him about everything, even my feeling for Dongwoo hyung. He was the one and only people I told about my feeling (even though I knew Sungjong would know too, whatever he did to know, he knew). Maybe I didn't tell him when exactly I and Dongwoo hyung became a couple officially, I thought he would ask or he would know eventually, given the fact that he knew about my feeling.

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