Kim Sunggyu

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Sunggyu's POV

How much more idiot Woohyun could be? How someone could be so dependable and idiot at the same time? And why did I have to fall in love with him? Oh, how idiot I could be? But I couldn't help it. He always knew what to say when I am feeling down, he always held me whenever I felt like breaking apart. It was not my fault that I love him! It was his fault, not mine! But I had some sense in me. I was not that dense that I didn't realize that he loved someone. But then, who was it that he loved? Infinite members were so close with each other, and they all had so many charm. It could be anyone. Even when we all lived together I wonder how many secret we kept from each other. I couldn't even guess who it was that Woohyun loved.

But one day when he returned to the dorm he looked so dejected that I just knew that he just rejected. How could I not? He had asked me million of times how to confess to someone. How much more miserable my love life could get? He greeted me gloomily and entered to his room. I decided that I should console him (No, I am not curious who his crush was, not a least bit). Honestly, I expected that he already cry when I entered his bedroom, or at least buried his head on his pillow. But he was just sat there and looked blankly at the wall.

"Yah, what happened to you? You can tell me what happened you know?" I thought that it was the best not to beat around the bush. But Woohyun just looked at me for a long time until I felt a little bit uncomfortable.

"What are you doing? Why do you stare at me like that?" he heaved a long sigh and continued staring at me.

"It's a long story hyung. Would you like to hear me out?" and just like that, he told me (almost) anything. He told me that he has a long time crush on Sungyeol and he decided to confess today. It surprised me that Sungyeol and Dongwoo were a thing. They were so good at hiding it. But what surprised me the most was that Woohyun's crush was Sungyeol. Honestly, I thought Sungyeol was the least likely member to be Woohyun's crush. I knew he was pretty and his smile was our group's vitamin. But the choding in him made me annoyed most of the time. His personality was just like the complete opposite of mine. I could understand if Woohyun chose handsome Myungsoo, kind Dongwoo, determined Hoya, or even sassy Sungjong. But I didn't understand what he saw on Sungyeol. Did he attract to childish people? Was he pedophil or something?

My surprise made me failed to notice Woohyun's strange behavior. I failed to notice that he was hiding something. I didn't realize that he was staring at me again and again and again after that. Like he was thinking about something really hard every time he stared at me. After our conversation that day, I found myself observing Sungyeol. I want to know what Woohyun saw in him. And just then I realized how pretty Sungyeol was. No wonder Woohyun liked him, he liked pretty things. But I didn't think pretty was enough to make Woohyun liked him, so I observed him some more.

And then I saw Sungyeol in completely different light. He always smiled, but sometimes his smile pained me. I realized then that his smile sometimes hiding his pain. And only then I realized that Dongwoo would always by his side when he put that pained smile. Well, Myungsoo and Dongwoo that is. That's when I understood that Myungsoo knew about their relationship. No wonder, Myungsoo and Sungyeol was the best of friend in Infinite. Whenever Dongwoo and Sungyeol together Myungsoo would retreat bit by bit like he wants to give them some time alone. Wow I had to look on every member closely from now on. There was so much going on that I missed until then.

I can saw now how affectionate Sungyeol was to every member in Infinite, even me, and I never realized it until then. But he showed his affection in oh so subtle way, no wonder I never realized it. Sometimes his choding self got the best of him and he became stubborn. And then I understood that it is because he was insecure and conscious too much on his flaw. But he tried harder and harder everyday to prove his determination. His honesty which before annoyed the hell out of me now make him even more charmer. And I felt it was no good for me. The more I observed Sungyeol, the more I felt like I understood why Woohyun liked him. It scared me because I thought I started to like him too. You know, when you felt curious about someone and then you fell to that someone because you kept observing him/her? I tried to keep myself from falling to Sungyeol. But you know, when you tried to resist something, it would lure you even harder? Oh why was the word so cruel to me?

Now I confused with myself. Am I not in love with Woohyun anymore? But when I saw Woohyun I knew it was not the case. But when I saw Sungyeol I knew that I loved him too. Oh my God, Woohyun not just made me loved him but loved Sungyeol too? That idiotic friend of mine! But then I saw Sungyeol together with Myungsoo or Dongwoo. How he laughed with them. He looked so happy that I felt content, like they are my children or something. But then I saw how Woohyun looked at Sungyeol and I felt mad. I needed him to look at me like that, not anyone else!

I didn't get my heart. I knew I loved both Sungyeol and Woohyun. But I was happy when Sungyeol happy. But I was jealous when Woohyun looked at someone else.

I didn't get my heart. But I knew what I want, and that was to make Woohyun fall in love with me.

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