Lee Sungjong

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Sungjong's POV

Being a maknae was not fun. Especially in this particular boy band called Infinite. Maybe others would say it was better to teased each other than being ignored, but they just said that because they were not me. If not for our Inspirit, I didn't know if I could handle the hyungs line. Sunggyu hyung was the symbol of dictator in my head. He was great and funny and all, but he was so lazy I felt like explode every time he ordered me around. Woohyun and Sungyeol hyung maybe better than that, but human being can handle teasing and prank and poking just as much in a lifetime. From the amount of time I endured it I thought I could reincarnated enough time to be something holly by now. Dongwoo, Hoya, and Myungsoo hyung maybe even better than that, but why oh why there were no one by any mean normal other than me? Dongwoo hyung was just happy all the time. I will never understand how he could laugh in every given situation. It annoyed me sometimes, what with his very unique style of laugh. Hoya hyung was just so awkward, he would make you suffocate. He even considered that I respected him. I kind of pity him for that. It was good that I am awesome enough to handle him all the time. And then there were Myungsoo hyung, the epitome of weirdness. I thought God made justice to give him that handsome face as compensation for his weirdness. It was such a good idea to put me in this group to make everything better.

But yeah, I admitted that all of my hyung were awesome in their own way, no wonder Infinite could reach where we were now. And I knew they all cared about me, so much. It just, sometimes it was tiring facing their teasing. It was like they were competed who could annoy me the best. What made them even more impossible was the one who enjoyed annoy me the best was actually the one who cared about me the best. Like what the hell, why would they show their affection by making me angry? Let just said 'the one' name was Sungyeol hyung.

I have to state that being a maknae was actually made me could observe all of my hyung clearly. My judgment didn't cloud by any subjection like what usually happened when you thought you were mature enough to made decision about your surroundings. And opposite with what grown up believes, the more age you are, actually the duller your sense is. So I could say that I have a clearer judgment about our surroundings than any of my hyungs. Besides, it was just my nature to observed, and I could say that more often than not, my sense was right. Like how I observed Sungyeol hyung. Many would say he was childish, impatient, and stubborn. But I knew behind all of that he was the most mature, patient, and lenient at heart.

He did annoy me religiously, and sometimes it did hit my nerves. But I knew he did it because he cared about me. Being the youngest made me pressured, and I would always try to maintain my image. It made me stiff and jittery most of the time. In times like that, he always, always appeared to annoy me which will lead to make me relax. We were the last two members who joined Infinite. I dared to say it was hard, very hard for us. I knew the other five members had trained for so long as five members, so it was just natural that they disliked us who will change what they had trained all along. It was even harder for him. At least I had maknae title which was suit me better than Myungsoo hyung. And being maknae that I am, they took care of me because I am the youngest. But then there were Sungyeol hyung, he joined us even later than me, and what was his charge actually? He was not the youngest, not the most handsome, not the best at vocal, he was just the tallest. Even me as his member, questioned him. How about himself and our fans? You could just imagine it. The worse thing in the world than others accuse you was when you doubt yourself. If even you yourself couldn't treasure yourself, who would?

But then I understand. He was the one who made all of us at bay. Every time one of us lost it, we would look at him and believed that nothing, nothing in Infinite would change. Because he was the only one who never change. Even in front of camera, he remained the same. He never sugar coating everything, he just being himself. It made all of us believed that we could stay like this forever. We could stay as Infinite forever. It was not a secret that me, and Sungyeol hyung deemed as the most useless members in Infinite. It was hard for the two of us, if not harder for him. In time like that, he would hold me close and made me believe that we were worth in Infinite. The thing was he believed that I worth in Infinite, but he himself questioned his worth. He never showed it in front of me, because if he showed his weakness in front of me I knew he was worried that I would break. But I knew better than that. He was the reason I stayed strong, but he himself broke apart little by little.

It hurt me that I could do nothing about it. Because I understood who he really need, and it was not me. I had past the understanding that my love for Sungyeol hyung couldn't grew more than platonic love. I knew it could, but I knew it shouldn't. I understand that Sungyeol hyung would never ever loved me in any other way than as his brother. It pained me a bit because I knew I could love him more. He was just too good not to love. But I understood and I realize I could love him in a platonic way. So I kept it that way. And I am good at it actually. But I knew that Sungyeol hyung would always have a dear place in my heart, no one could change that.

I could see clearly that actually all of Infinite member have loved Sungyeol hyung, and by loved I meant romantically, at least once. Even Sunggyu hyung, though he seemed confused and out of it when it happened. I didn't know what made Sunggyu hyung loved Sungyeol hyung, he always loved Woohyun hyung. And I knew that Woohyun hyung had always loved both Sungyeol hyung and Sunggyu hyung. But somehow after that phase when Sunggyu hyung loved Sungyeol hyung, Sunggyu and Woohyun hyung reached an agreement that they loved each other and they were try to make it worked. Don't ask me how I knew, I just did. I am just that fabulous.

What shocked me actually was Dongwoo and Sungyeol hyung were in a relationship. I knew that Sungyeol hyung liked Dongwoo hyung better than any of us, even than Myungsoo hyung, because who didn't? Dongwoo hyung was such an angel. Everyone who knew him would like him automatically. But then, that was the problem. Sungyeol and Dongwoo hyung were too alike with each other, I wonder if their relationship will work. And actually I always thought Sungyeol hyung loved Myungsoo hyung. But Dongwoo hyung and Sungyeol hyung seemed so happy together, so why would I change that?

But then there were Hoya hyung. He always loved Sungyeol hyung, maybe he was the first member who loved Sungyeol hyung. But he was too caught up in his determination that he missed what was important. It hurt me to witness his broken heart. He was so broken that he immersed himself in practice and practice in everything. I knew he had a soft spot for me and I tried to make him at least felt better. But it didn't work. He took his broken heart worse than any other hyungs. Somehow I understood why. Sunggyu's love just some phase which last for the shortest time, I knew that Woohyun hyung have at least told Sungyeol hyung about his feeling, so it was relieving (I said once again, don't ask me why I knew, I just did). And he always had love Sunggyu hyung too along with Sungyeol hyung, so I knew he could heal his broken heart faster. I knew Myungsoo hyung loved Sungyeol hyung. Maybe he couldn't have a chance to reveal his feeling too, but it seemed that being Sungyeol hyung best friend made it better for him. Though worse at the same time, he was just weird like that, but he managed.

But as for Hoya hyung, Sungyeol hyung never knew about his feeling, which made it worse. Moreover he was the one who loved Sungyeol hyung for the longest of time. He was so broken I wonder who could make him alright again. But then Sungyeol and Dongwoo hyung broke up. I knew they had some understanding to part way. And I knew it has something to do with Sungyeol's feeling to Myungsoo. But even then, Dongwoo hyung still loved Sungyeol hyung. It must be hurt so much to leave someone when you still loved him. But Dongwoo hyung was strong like that. Somehow Hoya hyung found out that they were part ways. And he decided to confront Dongwoo hyung angrily about that. Some lined along the way "what you have done to let him through sadness like that" and "I am sorry this is for the best" thrown between them. I didn't know why Hoya hyung didn't see their break up as a chance to win Sungyeol hyung. He was too busy being angry at Dongwoo hyung for making Sungyeol hyung sad. But then Hoya hyung understand that Dongwoo hyung still loved Sungyeol hyung and that he was as broken as him. That was when they start to mend their broken heart together. And learn that they were fall in love with each other along the way. They were going through a really really long way to learn it, but somehow they found that they are a perfect fit with each other.

So how about Sungyeol hyung and Myungsoo hyung? This was where the awesome me, lend a hand.

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