Chapter 1

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It was a calm late night in the city of London, all seemed well until 3 operatives of V.I.L.E had broken into a museum, after having their eye in the sky "The Troll" disable the security, the operatives went straight to work in raiding the storeroom, Tigress, had found an Egyptian cat statue.

"Hello kitty", she said, eyeing her newfound prize, her teammate, El Topo had found an ancient aztec mask, "Spiffy" he said in admiration, their gandering was soon broken by their current Team leader Le Chèvre, "Focus mon amis, we're here to steal, not shop" he spoke impatiently, Le Chèvre had been serving as the groups team leader for a while, he had little patience for their antics, but was still fair in keeping them in line.

"Relax, our hacker is controlling everything" El Topo said as he pointed to the cameras, which were being controlled by their ally "The Troll" who was munching on a burger and and coke, meanwhile a familiar figure in red was watching from a nearby rooftop.

"Alright Player, what's the scoop?" Carmen Sandiego asked her young friend over a call, "Just the usual Red, V.I.L.E operatives Le Chèvre, El Topo and Tigress are robbing a museum warehouse, no doubt to auction the latest treasures to the highest bidder." Player said looking at his computer screens. Carmen then stood up on the rooftop getting her grappling hook ready. "Will they ever learn?" She said rolling her eyes, it became routine for Carmen and her crew to stop V.I.L.E in its tracks, with the help of Zack, Ivy, and Shadowsan, who himself defected from said organization to right the wrongs he did in the past.

"Zack, Ivy, you guys got eyes on the goons?" Carmen spoke on her communicator to her partners, Ivy had just deployed her drone to scope the place out. "Roger that Carm, got the drone in position." Ivy said. "Good, now remember the plan, Zack, you'll steal the truck while they're loading it up." Carmen continued. "You got it boss, they won't know what hit em!" Zack said as he was sneaking up to the front of the Vile operatives pick up truck,being very careful not to make a sound as he climbed into the drivers seat,he listened as the operatives loaded their ill gotten gains into the back of the truck. "That's right, keep loading up,suckers!" Zack said quietly, he then started the engine and as a fast as he could,drove away from the entrance of the warehouse, much to the anger of the three VILE operatives,Tigress however took this as a challenge and chased after the truck, climbing up onto the back and top of the vehicle. "SANDIEGO!!!!!!!!!!!" Le chèvre shouted in anger and started cursing in French,El Topo could only slump his shoulders in defeat, "Que Mala suerte." He muttered in Spanish. Zack then adjusted the mirror briefly to see the looks on their faces as her drove away.

"Warning,Dillweeds are closer than they appear!" He shouted in triumph, but his victory was cut short as he suddenly had to dodge the claws of a very angry Tigress who had climbed her way to the front of the truck, she slashed, screamed and growled at Zack to stop the truck,but being careful not to get injured, being in a car accident was not on her to-do list for the evening. "Pull over!" She screamed at him, "No can do kitty!" Zack fired back,this comeback only got Tigress even more mad,she growled at him feeling insulted. "Don't call me kitty!" She growled, "rather I call you for dinner?" Zack joked, but suddenly, their reckless driving and fighting soon landed them colliding with a street light, which Tigress was quick to point out "Eyes in the road stupid!" She screamed in panic, soon both were screaming while Zack tried to steer the truck, but it was too late, the truck smashed right into the street light,causing it to fall over,both of them were in a daze from the sudden collision, but Zack quickly shrugged it off, and quickly made off with the Egyptian cat statue Tigress had grabbed,and start running as fast as he could. Tigress soon recovered herself and saw that Zack was making his way to the tower bridge, she growled and ran after him, Zack started to climb the tower being careful not to drop the precious cargo that he was now carrying in a satchel over his shoulder.

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