Chapter 7

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It was the next day on the island of V.I.L.E, Coach Brunt was walking down the halls to the faculty room after getting her morning coffee and breakfast, everything seemed a bit too quiet today, she remembered some of the operatives were on missions, but she could swear something felt amiss, she decided to ignore it and continue on to her fellow faculty members, whistling to herself, she then noticed the Cleaners appeared to be mopping something up it appeared to be red liquid, she figured someone had an accident and they had bled a little in the process.

"Someone had an accident?" Coach Brunt asked the cleaners. "Apparently so." The cleaner Boris said as he mopped up the blood, the other Cleaner Vlad was making sure to use extra strong stain remover. Coach Brunt then made her way to Faculty room, once she was inside she greeted her fellow faculty members.

"Howdy y'all." She greeted. "Good morning Coach Brunt." Maelstrom greeted as Brunt took her seat. "Say any of y'all notice the blood the cleaners were cleaning up?" She asked. "Blood? From what? Or who?" Countess Cleo asked. "Perhaps an operative cut themselves by accident, or it could've been there time of the month and they forgot.." Bellum was about to finish but was interrupted by Maelstrom. "We get the point Dr. Bellum, but if anyone had gotten injured wouldn't we know about it?" He asked, "Good point." Bellum answered.

"Any who, let us get to briefing our operatives on their next mission." Maelstrom added as he summoned Le Chèvre, El Topo and Tigress, however as the two young men walked to the Faculty room, they noticed that Tigress hadn't come out of her room, Le Chèvre told El Topo to go wake her up and remind her of the briefing.

"Tigress? Are you awake? Remember we have that briefing today. Tigress?" He called into her room, but he heard no answer, not a sound, he entered her room after opening the door, and saw that her stuff was gone, her clothes, coat, belongings and gear, everything, she had flown the coop, he then saw a note on her bed and went over to read it, a dark sad feeling then came over him as he read the note. "The Faculty is not gonna like this." He told himself and went to catch up with Le Chèvre to tell him what happened. "Le Chèvre, I found something in Tigress' room, the Faculty is not gonna like it." He told his boyfriend. "What do you mean?" Le Chèvre asked, El Topo handed him the note, he began to read it, realization had settled in, El Topo was right, the Faculty was certainly gonna blow their tops.

"This is not good El Topo mon ami, the Faculty is gonna go ballistic!" Le Chèvre stated, he and El Topo didn't want to tell the faculty, but it was easier than telling them Tigress had left early for the mission, but breaking it to them gently was not gonna be easy, they both braced themselves and entered the Faculty room, and as expected, the Faculty took notice Tigress wasn't with them.

"Where is Tigress?" Maelstrom asked impatiently, Le Chèvre nervously handed them the note El Topo found in Tigress' room, Coach Brunt was the one to read it aloud. "Dear fellow operatives and Faculty of V.I.L.E, as much as I've enjoyed the thrill of stealing, there is one treasure above all I favor now, the heart of the man I love, I can't say who it is, but he has stolen my heart as well, I still consider us all like family, but I have to do what I feel is right, I'm sorry that by the time any of you read this I'll be far away from the island. I hope some day I'll see you all again under better circumstances.

Sincerely, Tigress, aka, Sheena."

The Faculty couldn't believe what they had just read, another operative had left V.I.L.E they all just sat or stood there, letting reality sink in, Countess Cleo touched her hand to her heart in sadness but did her best to look composed, Maelstrom just stood there looking disappointed, Bellum looked like she was about to cry, Coach Brunt let a tear slide down her face, before she clenched her fists and began slamming them down on the table in a mix of anger, sadness and fury and shouted so loud one could swear even the dead heard it. "TIIIIIGREEESS!!!!!!!!!" She shouted.

The Tigress who Stole my Heart Where stories live. Discover now