18. Yuvraj saves Vidhi

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Author's POV

Ishaan, Abhay and Vishaka were standing outside the ICU when a doctor came out from there.

"What happened doctor, how is Vidhi?" Ishaan asked.

"Mr. Agnihotri she lost a lot of blood and we need someone right now who can donate her blood, or else..." The doctor said.

"Please, please say me what is her blood group" Ishaan said.

"AB +ve" Doctor replied.

None of us had the same blood group as Vidhi. We were tensed.

"I will donate her blood!!" A voice boomed in the hospital. It was Yuvraj.

"Yuvraj!!" Ishaan said going towards him and he hugged him. Yuvraj hugged him back.

"Yeah doctor I will donate blood" Yuvraj said again.

"Okay sir come with us" The doctor said and Yuvraj went with him.

Yuvraj donated his blood and came out...

"Thank you Yuvraj, if you were not here today I don't know what would have happened to Vidhi" Vishaka said crying.

"Don't cry Vishaka" Abhay said and hugged her.

"It was my duty, Vidhi is just like a little sister to me, I will do everything for her that's possible for me" Yuvraj said.

After a few minutes the doctor came out again...

"Ms. Bhanushali is safe now, but she needs some rest" The doctor said.

"Thank you doctor, thank you so much!!" Ishaan said.

"Has she got back into her senses yet? Can I meet her?" Vishaka asked.

"No, she will get into her senses in 10-12 minutes after that you can surely meet her" The doctor replied and went away.

"God forbid, Vidhi is safe!!" Abhay said.

"I am sorry Vishaka, everything happened because of my father. I never thought he would do something like this" Abhay said.

"It's not your fault Abhay" Vishaka said.

"Abhay, take Vishaka and uncle-aunty home and feed them, they haven't ate anything since morning. Don't worry we are here" Ishaan said.

"No I won't go I will stay with you" Vishaka said.

"Okay then Vishaka you stay" Ishaan said.

"Abhay you too stay!! We can manage going to ho e ourselves don't worry and... Take care of Vishaka" Amit said and left along with his wife.

"Now tell me bro, what exactly happened?" Yuvraj asked and Ishaan explained him everything that happened in the wedding.

"But why will that r*scal target you and Vidhi for no reason?" Yuvraj asked.

"That's my question too" Ishaan said.

The doctor came again after 10 minutes and said that they can meet Vidhi...

So guys your wait will be over after 2-3 more chapters, you will get to know Vidhi and Ishaan's past life... Stay Tuned to know❤️

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-Thank you for reading, Lots of love from author😊💗

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