Chapter 3: Never imagined

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Bodil's POV

I woke up cuddling on my couch with Carry. Carefully, not to wake her up, I removed her head from my chest and got up. I should cook us a breakfast.

I walked into my kitchen the same as yesterday, memories filling my mind. Was Simon ok? What should I do? Call him, visit him? Maybe later.

I yawned while sitting on one of the chairs and waiting for eggs to cook. Usually, it didn't take long, but I haven't slept well tonight, so I was tired and sleepy with huge bags under my eyes.

After placing our food on the plates I was about to go wake Carry up, but she walked in anyways.

- Good morning, - she smiled.

- Good morning, - I smiled back tiredly. - Did you sleep well? - if she did, means I did.

- Yeah, yesterday was amazing, thank you! - I couldn't help myself but giggle. - Wow, baby, you look bad. - a worried expression on her face.

- Nah, it's alright. I'm just worried about Simon... - I said. She looked at me like she understood my feelings. That's why I love her.

- Call him. - She suggested. "Yeah, that's a good idea." She gave me my cell phone. I looked at the time before calling Simon, it was almost 12 AM.

Simon didn't answer. Soft woman's voice on the other side repeated one sentence again and again, making me go crazy. Something happened. I could feel it with my butt (XD).

I looked at Carry, calling that one number for the 20th time already. She just shook her head in response.

- Forget the breakfast. Take a ride to his house, - she said. - I'll stay here. - I nodded, tears starting to form in my eyes.

I stuffed my phone, some money and my keys into the pockets of my jeans.

- Call me if something goes wrong. - I nodded once more giving Carry a light kiss in a cheek.

- Don't forget to eat. - I smiled at her closing the door.

I didn't hear what she answered because I was on my way to the car already. A ride till his house takes about 30 minutes.

I looked at my "car clock", it was 12:28. I started the car.

~Time-skip till Martin is at Simons front door~

Here I stand. In front of his door. I knocked and waited. No answer.

I knocked louder and waited again. No answer.

I placed my ear on the door trying to hear something. A quiet "BAM".

- Oh, shit, this is bad!.. - I cursed to myself and continued to listen. But nothing more was heard.

I walked to Simons window and tried to look in. I didn't see much since his dark blue blinds didn't let me.

I gasped. Was that Simons phone? Broken on the floor... I saw a mark on the wall. Some objects like his mic lied on the floor broken as well.

I ran back to the door and hit it with my fist a couple of times.

- Simon?! - I yelled.

No answer.

I continued to hit the door with all of my power, but it didn't help. I made a few steps away from the door and ran back hitting it with my shoulder.

- SIMON!!! - I cried out loosing my voice. Worries about my best friend took over and I slammed my body against the door one more time.

I looked at my enemy. It already had a crack in it. My cheeks were covered in tears already.

I had to repeat the procedure two more times before the door broke.

I was standing in Simons room, breathing heavily and looking around in panic.

His room looked like a tornado just have been here. I turned around and froze with my eyes rounded and my mouth open, tears streamed down my face again.


He half sat, half lied on the floor next to his favorite, now broken mirror. I fell to my knees and crawled closer to him.

I saw a sharp piece of the mirror in his right hand. I have just noticed the blood. I looked at Simons left hand and saw a few cuts.

- W-what?! - I have never imagined Simon cutting. He was such a positive person!

"I must be sleeping!" With that I pinched myself and yelped at pain.

- Fuck... - I took out my phone calling 911. I quickly told them what happened and Simons address. They must be here in about 5-10 minutes.

I prayed for them to be as fast as they can be, placing unconscious Simon at my lap and trying to stop his hand from bleeding with my shirt.

I called Carry and told her about everything that happened, sobbing hard from time to time.

Right when I ended the call the sirens of an ambulance were heard. Simon still breathed.

- Here! - I yelled and three doctors ran up to us. Two of them took care of Simon and the third one managed to catch me at the last second, when my mind couldn't take the pressure.

I walked into shades.

A/N: So yeah! I like this chapter!) Comment and like if you are curious about what's gonna happen next!

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