What!? ♤♡chapter 1◇♧

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3rd person
"I told you damn extras stop sending me on secret blind dates!"-bakugo
"Not until you get a boyfriend or girlfriend"- Mina
"Because everyone in the bakusquad is already dating someone"-Sero
"And we don't want you to feel lonely dude"-denki
While they were fighting bakugo accidentally said something he didn't mean to say
"I'm already dating someone you damn extras!!"-bakugo
Silence filled the common room for a minute
"WHAT!!" -bakusquad
"SHIT"- Bakugo
"WHO!!"- mina and jiro
"None of your dang business extras!!"
Before anyone could protest bakugo's phone rang
"Denki get his phone!"- jiro
Before bakugo could reach out for his phone it was snatched from the table by denki
"Oi extras give me back my phone!"
"Hmm......... no!" Shouted mina checking who's calling
"Heheho Who's 'my broccoli' hmm?" -Mina
"Raccoon eyes don't yo-" before bakugo could protest mina answer the call and put it on loud speakers
"Hey kacchan!"
"Ohhh so it's a boy"- sero
"That's so manly dude!"-kirishima
"Umn who are you?"
"Oh were bakubros friends"-kirishima
Oh! I've heard alot about you guys!"
"Anyway can I speak to kacchan?"
"Who's that?"- denki
"Oh sorry my bad I mean katsuki"
(Sorry if I spelt his name wrong)
"Wow first name and nickname bases" the bakusquas said in unison
Right then and there bakugo snachated the phone
"Hey nerd"-bakugo
"Hey kacchan! I was wondering if we could meet later today?"
"Sure nerd"- bakugo
Thanks kacchan!"
"Yeah whatever bye nerd"- bakugo
"Bye kacchan!"




Next part should be out soon!
Sorry it's short  I haven't really write a lot of story's

237 Words

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