Costumes ♤♡ Chapter 3◇♧

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(Sorry if this chapter isn't as good as the others I didn't really have a lot of inspiration but Enjoy)

(Please comment on how this chapter was or any ideas you might have)

When the bakusquad got back to the dorms they immediately dragged Bakugo to Mina dorm and started bombarding Bakugo with questions

"How long have you been dating?"
"Where is he from?"
"How old is he?"
"How long have you known him?"
"Ok damn extras I'll answer your damn questions just don't f*cking bombarden me with questions!"-Bakugo
" Ok how old is he?"-Jiro
Most of the bakusquad was guessing 13-14 years old
"He's 17"
(A/N Btw: they are in their  2nd year)

"What!?"-bakusquad Except Bakugo
"Yeah"- Bakugo
"Ok how long have you been dating?"- Mina
"3 years"- Bakugo
"That long and you never told us!"- Denki
"How long have you known each other?"-Kirishima
"13 years"-Bakugo
"Whats his quirk?" -Sero
"Voice" - Bakugo
"Have you done 'it'"- Mina
"I'm not answering that"-Bakugo
Mina kept pestering him about it but he didn't give eventually she gave up when she realised the time. It was 11:50 pm and they had school tomorrow.
The next morning they had English first period,Math second, Science third then lunch after that they had training then a free period.
(Time skip to training)
Mr Aizawa said to go to the support course to get their improved Hero Costumes. Since Bakugo had his done by Izuku he just went to the dorms to go get his and then to the changing rooms

(Bakugo costume credit to original owner)

(Bakugo costume credit to original owner)

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(Imagine the gas mask is  under his chin and the 'hearing aids' are part of his costume you will later see why I put quotation marks on the 'hearing aid' part)Once they were all outside Mr Aizawa Explained that today they were going to do 2 vs 1 i...

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(Imagine the gas mask is  under his chin and the 'hearing aids' are part of his costume you will later see why I put quotation marks on the 'hearing aid' part)
Once they were all outside Mr Aizawa Explained that today they were going to do 2 vs 1 in different city Landscapes
(Time skip to Bakugos turn)
Aizawa announced that the next match would be bakugo against Todoroki and Tokoyami. They would be fighting in a small city with both narrow and wide areas. Bakugo would be the villain hiding in the city while Todoroki and Tokayami would be the heroes. Bakugo went into the abandoned city without a sound or leaving any trail of footprints. After 2 minutes the heroes enter the city.  Todoroki freezed the left side of the city he was patrolling in cold. It was atleast -10 degrees Celsius.  Tokayami and dark shadow were patrolling the right side of the city where bakugo happened to be. With his new sound proof adaptable boots he stepped to Tokayami's side and pressed the button on his gloves.

He pointed his hands to Tokayami then  zuddenly a huge explosion way bigger than Bakugo's usual ones hit Tokoyami Knocking him out

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He pointed his hands to Tokayami then  zuddenly a huge explosion way bigger than Bakugo's usual ones hit Tokoyami Knocking him out. Bakugo then went to the left side of the city were Todoroki was. He zipped up his jacket and hid by a near by building. This time he pressed  his hearing aid. Suddenly a robotic voice spoke inside his ear?

Robotic voice: Hello Bakugo Katsuki I am Sara your personal battle assistant assigned to you by Izuku Midoriya I can analyse people's quirks, battle capabilities and battle situations. I can also find the best way to deal with these  situations.
Now that introductions are out of the way. How may I help you?

Bakugo: Where is icyhot?

Sara: He is currently 25 meters away from you.

Bakugo:Tch ok

Before Bakugo started walking Sara asked him a question

Sara: Would you like me to heat up your hero costume?

Bakugo: You can do that?

Sara: Yes I can

Bakugo: Ok then yes

Bakugo started running towards Todoroki with Sara directing him while he's hero costume started to heat up making him feel warm and sweaty
'Great!' Thought bakugo. As soon as he saw Todoroki he taped the button on his gloves and pointed his hand at Todoroki. Before Todoroki could react the explosion already hit him Knocking him out.

"Heroes Tokoyami and Todoroki are out Villian Bakugo wins" Announced Mr Aizawa. Everyone was shocked at Bakugo performance and started wondering where he got his hero costume.
(Time skip to free period)
Everyone was asking Bakugo where he got his hero costume which he replied with 'none of your damn business extras'
Suddenly Denki asked
"Hey bakubro did you get you Hero Costume from your boyfriend by any chance"
The whole room went quiet.

"HIS WHAT!?" Shouted class 1A Except the bakusquad and Mr Aizawa.

Cliff hanger

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