Class ♤♡ Chapter 4 ◇♧

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"HIS WHAT!?" Shouted class 1A Except the bakusquad and Mr Aizawa.

“Dunce face!” Bakugo yelled as he proceeds to chase Denki around the room. The class is dead silent if you ignore Bakugo yelling at Denki in the background. After a minute of silence Class 2A begins to bombard Bakugo with questions.
“You have a boyfriend since when!?”
“What does he look like!?”
“How old is he?!”
“How long have you been dating?!”
“Why didn’t you tell us!?”
“Shut up!” Bakugo yelled but they kept throwing questions at him. At this point Aizawa had enough of the yelling so he using his quirk he shouted “ALL OF YOU SHUT UP" The class immediately quieted down as Aizawa crawled back into his yellow sleeping bag. He then turned to class 2A and announced that they could do this in the Common Room by the dorms calmly, he empathised the word calmly. 2A started walking to the Common Room while Aizawa just crawled there. Why was he coming along? Because he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t interested about the tea of Bakugo having a boyfriend. They all kept begging Bakugo  to answer some of their questions which he eventually gave in to but he did give them a limit. They asked the same question the bakusquad asked. Shinsou asked the last question
(Oh yah Shinsou replaces Deku and no mineta)
“How come Denki knew?” Before Bakugo could answer Mina interrupted him by saying “ Well the bakusquad found out by accident and met him he's really pretty and surprisingly nice”  The class just nodded. Uraraka then asked “ Can we meet him?” Bakugo  immediately denied her but the class and bakusquad backed her up so in the end they won. They decided they would meet him on Saturday.
~Time skip to Saturday~
The whole class met outside UA once everyone was there they started walking to the Ice Skating ring were they decided to meet Bakugo’s  boyfriend. They got there 10 minutes early and waited a bit before they saw a cute boy with green hair running towards them.
(What he’s wearing⏬)

  “Kacchan!” the boy shouts as he jumps onto Bakugo who easily catches him

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“Kacchan!” the boy shouts as he jumps onto Bakugo who easily catches him. After about 10 seconds the boy gets off Bakugo and Introduces himself. “Hi I’m Izuku Midoriya Bakugo’s boyfriend pleasure to meet you all" All of Class 2A was stunned beside the bakusquad who already met Midoriya. After snapping out of their trans they start to introduce themselves and talk. After a while they start to get their skates and head onto the ice. Izuku and Todoroki were really good while the rest of class 2A were average. Todoroki decided this would be a good time to show off and try to make Bakugo angry but it didn’t really work because all Bakugo was focused on was his boyfriends smile as he hanged out with his classmates. When they were all done they decided to have lunch at a nearby cafe. They all ordered and were just talking and laughing when Izuku asked a question. “ Oh Ya! Kacchan did you like you new hero costumes I made for you?” The class was silent before shouting “Wait you made that!?”
Sorry but I just had to leave you on another Cliff hanger. I also need some help help should I make this a Serolida, Todolida, or Sero x Todoroki x Iida?
Anyway hope have a good day/night

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