Chapter 1

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I rested my head against the foggy window of the bus I had taken from my home in Florida back to Atlanta, my hometown. I let out a sigh as the familiar sights of The city came into my line of vision. I never wanted to come back here. I never wanted to move back home but here I was. A few months ago, I lost my dad. His absence had been really hard on my mom and little brother. Sean hasn't been the same since. He was depressed, barely spoke, barely ate. He really didn't do anything. My mom was trying to be strong but she felt alone and sometimes her strength faltered. They needed me. That's why I came back. I had to be there to help them out. I saw the bus station in the distance and began gathering my things. I was looking forward to seeing my family but I was really excited about seeing my best friend.

Rainy was amazing. She had been my best friend since 9th grade and we had been inseparable since. Well, until I moved to Panama City. She had been nagging me to come home. She finally got her wish. I felt the bus lurch to a halt. I gathered my things, eager to get off first. I rushed down and locked eyes with rainy. She was just as beautiful as ever. She had brown hair and beautiful greenish blue eyes. Tattoos covered her right arm and she had them spastically placed on the left. Those were new. She wore the same smile as she ran towards me, arms outstretched. "Chloe! I missed you so much. We have so many things to catch up on. Lets get your bags. My friend boy is in the car waiting for us." I laughed at the use of our old expression. 'Friend boy' meant a guy you were planning on starting something with but hadn't gotten around to it yet. "What's his name? I asked as I struggle grabbing my heaviest bag. "Harry." She replied simply and looked up. I saw her eyes light up and followed her gaze. A tall handsome boy with curly hair came walking toward us. The skin I could see was covered in tattoos. He came over smiling. He wrapped an arm round rainy's waist and kissed the top of her head. Rainy was about 5'6 and he towered over her. I made a mental note to ask his height later. I looked to his face. He wore a giant smile that had his dimples in full form. His emerald green eyes took my breath away for a second. "You must be Chloe." He remarked offering a hand to me. I stared for a moment taken back by his accent. I wasn't expecting british. 'Lucky bitch' i thought to myself as i heard him chuckle a bit "Hey. I'm Harry." I shook his hand and winked at rainy. She gave me a knowing look and nodded. Harry had bent down lifting my bag over his shoulder with ease. He trotted off to the car as we trailed behind.

"Rainyyyy! He is cuuuute! And British. Oh my stars" I remarked when I knew he was out of earshot. She nodded her head. "I know. He's perfect." She turned towards him, adoration in her eyes as we hurried our pace to the car.

The ride back to my moms was great. Harry was a funny guy. Rainy seemed happy around him, which was great to see. As we pulled up to my moms house I let out a huff. Rainy reached back grabbing my hand "you need anything just call chlos." I nodded my head and reached up kissing her cheek "love you rain. Nice to meet you Harry." I called after as I approached my childhood home. I knocked on the door and waited a minute before the door was swung open. "Hey Shaun." I remarked, taking in his appearance. He had dirty clothes, which seemed to be wearing their stains like a badge of honor. He had lost more weight than I thought. It worried me a bit but i pushed the thoughts out of my head. "I missed you Shaun." I said plainly wrapping my kid brother in a hug. He grunted in response and pulled away. He didn't act like the boy I once knew. He didn't have he light about him anymore. I felt a tear rush to my eye and quickly brushed it away as he turned to retreat back into his room.

I picked up my bags and kicked the door closed "mom! I'm here!" I called as I walked toward my old room. I opened the door throwing my bags onto the floor and looking around. Nothing had changed. It was the same room I had left after high school. I walked to a small stand I had on the side of my room and picked up a frame with a picture of my father and I in it. I sighed and sat it facedown. This was the first time I had been home since my dads passing. I knew it would be hard. I wasn't sure if I could do it v

I walked toward the kitchen and saw my mom sitting at the small dining room table with a coffee cup in her hands. She was just as dirty as Sean and had a dead look in her eye. "Hey mom." I walked toward her and she looked at me "I love you Chloe." She said, pushing the hair from my face "so so much. You look just like him." I pat my moms hand and kissed her cheek. "I missed you mom." She nodded, returning her hands to her mug. I was in a full house but it felt like I was the only one really there.

It was quite, too quiet. The house seemed empty without my fathers laughter filling it. I picked up my phone and dialed rainy. "Hey! I was just about to call you" she remarked as soon as she answered. "Hey rain what's up?" "I was wondering if you could come to Harry's tonight. We want to throw you a welcome back party." "Um, rain you have to have more than 3 people for a party." She laughed it off "just get cute. I'll be by in a bit to get you." I sighed and hung up the phone. She was a good friend. She knew I shouldn't be here alone. That I would not be able to handle it.

I pulled my suitcase to me and opened it. I found a pair of skinny jeans with some rips in the front. They looked cute. The day had been chilly so I decided upon a sweater. I pulled a black one with studded shoulders and a pair of red heels with studs up the seam in the back. I threw on the clothes and piled my blonde hair on the top of my head. I then applied some dark eyeliner and red lipstick to my thick lips. The makeup seemed to make my eyes appear bluer than they truly were. I grabbed my ID and cellphone, stuffing them into my bra before heading to Shaun's room. "I'm going to a party tonight. Wanna come lil bro? He looked up from his book and shook his head. I let out a quiet sigh and nodded "alright love you." I closed the door and went to tell my mom goodbye. I knocked on her bedroom door but there was no answer. I pushed it open and saw my mothers sleeping figure hunched onto the bed. I half smiled and quietly closed the door. I waited another 15 minutes before hearing rainy pull into my driveway.

When we finally got to the party it had been in full swing. I hooked my arm in my stunning best friends as she pushed through the crowd. She looked amazing. Her hair was tied into a bow and she wore a polka dot dress which showcased her tattoos perfectly. Eventually she made her way to Harry and a fairly large group of guys. I stood back. Harry motioned me over and I hesitantly obliged. As I approached, i got a better look at his friends. One in particular caught my eye. Harry slung an arm around my shoulder and pulled back a bit stunned "you have pointy things on your sweater?" He asked confusin in his voice. "They're studs." I replied plainly. "No babe, were studs." Said one of Harry's friends. He had brown hair fashioned into a point. piercingly were scattered around his face and a think English accent came from his mouth. I smiled "you're a funny guy." I replied sarcastically. He laughed it off. "Hey I'm Louis. But my friends call me Lou." The tanner boy next to him piped up next. It was easy to see he had some middle eastern in him. He had a quiff with a purple streak through the front "I'm zayn." Zayn was by far the one with the most tattoos. He was the only one with some on his face. The one with a shaved head pulled his red cup from his lips "I'm Liam." He had fewer tattoos and sweet eyes. He seemed like the nice guy of the bunch. Finally the blonde one caught my attention again. "I'm Niall. Who are you?" He asked cocking his head to the side. I had assumed he was British too. I was wrong. I knew he had to be Irish, if I placed the accent correctly. He had beautiful blue eyes lightly lined with some eyeliner. I wasn't a fan of makeup on men but he was hot. His ears were stretched and had an orange tunnel on one side and a green on the other. His blonde hair was darker near the base of his head. I suddenly remembered he had asked me a question. "Oh I'm chloe" he smiled "ya are rainy's friend. We've heard loads bout you. She never seems to shut up bout ya." I felt a flush in my cheeks and suddenly was very thankful for the dim lighting in Harry's home. He winked at me and lifted my hand to his lips "lovely to meet such a beautiful lass." I felt my breath hitch as desi grabbed my arm and pulled me away.

"Those are Harry's bandmates." I nodded, not surprised the group of punk boys formed a band. She motioned toward Niall "but stay away from that one. He's trouble." I looked up following her finger to see himl gazing at me. He noticed my attention and gave me a wink that had my head swimming. I knew rainy had a reason she said I should stay away from Niall but I wasn't sure how long I could follow her instructions. "Why?" I asked curiously. She shook her head "it's a long story. But Niall is trouble. Don't do it Chloe." I nodded, trying to keep my best friends words in mind as the boy motioned me to follow him as he exited the room quietly. I had a battle raging in my head as I decided to follow the boy into the next room. But little did I know what Niall had in store for me.

Personal note:

I'm not sure if ill be continuing this. I need some feedback here. So just let me know what you guys think.  Love you xoxo Nichole (:

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