Chapter 21

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"This is not fixed. I am not forgiving you for being an asshole." I said, pushing my hands against his chest seperating our bodies. "What do i have to do Chloe?" he asked, actually seeming concerend. "I don't know. but im not rushing this. We need to take our time, not just force this." I could tell my words hurt him as he pushed a hand through his hair. "can we at least hang out? I mean as friends of course, if you want. I mean we don't have to-" I cut him off, "yeah, let's hand out. After work? I get off in about an hour." He nodded, smiling like an idiot. "yeah, alright, I have to get cleaning. So i'll see you, yeah?" I smiled and hugged him goodbye carefully. 

I walked back into the store and began stocking, trying to avoid Tony, my manager. I didn't want to concentrate on learning, i just wanted to think about what i had just agreed to. I wasn't in control of myself with Niall around, I always doubted myself. I decided sneaking to the back and giving Rainy a call may be helpful. Maybe she could calm my nerves. I walked into the stock room and sat on a box full of those cheesy music books they use in middle school. The phone rang three times before Rainy excitedly answered,

"Chloe! hey you okay?"

"yeah, just need to talk some stuff out."

"thats what im here for. Shoot baby."

I started telling Rainy the story from the begining, more for my sake than hers. I heard a chorus of mhms, ohhhhhhs, and oooos before i finally finished. "So do you think i should do this again?"

Rainy was silent for a minute, thinking "Do you love him?"

I chewed my lip, what was love? I didn't get it. I still don't understand the concept. "how would i know?" 

I heard the smile in her voice as she spoke about harry. "When i wake up in the morning, he's my first thought. His voice makes my heart race, i cant think of a life without him chloe. Id give anything for his happiness. Harry changed me, he's my literal world. and that's how i know im in love."

i brushed my hand through my hair, a habit i had picked up from niall. "I don't know. I might. but I just dont know what to do." 

"do you miss him?"

"Yes, a load."

"then give him a chance, if he acts like a bitch, stop being his friend. easy....... but he's changed a lot chloe. Niall used to be an asshole, He used girls and I thought he would use you. I told him to stay away from you and he wouldn't. he said you were different. and i believe that he cares chloe."

i sighed "Well, i have to go work before they miss me. Love you."

"let me know how it goes chlo.  I love you too." 

we hung up the phone and i rubbed my eyes before standing back up and trying to throw myself into my work long enough to forget about all this.

--------------------------Niall's POV--------------------------

I threw my keys on the table and ran around the house, trying to clean up the horrific mess i made. My flat looked like a tornado had torn through it. I checked my watch, Chloe would be off in 40 minutes. I knew we wouldn't be taking a detour to the bedroom so I shoved everything behind the door. I entered my room and searched for clothes, I decided on a black tank top with a red skull on the front. I grabbed the first pair of jeans i saw, my jeans all looked the same anyway. I threw the clothes on and rebrushed my teeth and fixed my hair. 

I looked back at my watch again, 20 minutes. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and hit my 3rd speed dial. I placed an order and then rushed down to my car. I sped down the street, turning the corner way too quickly into the chinese place i had gotten food from the first time chloe had come over. Sue handed me our containers of food and I tossed the cash on the counter, knowing i probably paid way too much but not caring at that time. 

On my way back to chloe's work, i dialed Zayn's number. 

"hey niall."

"zayn, i need some help." 

"you alright mate?"

i sighed " yeah, i just am trying to figure this relationship stuff out man."

Zayn laughed "just tell her how you feel, be up front ni. She will forgive you. and if you have any issues, just shoot me a text. I'll help you out." 

I saw the sign to the music shop ahead "gotta go man, im about to pick her up. talk to you later." I threw my phone into the seat and ran a hand through my hair before pulling into a parking space and lighting a cigarette, waiting for her to come out. I knew this night was a big deal, and i was determined it would be succesful.

A/n: I wrote this chapter, and it deleted. so fuck. but now im sorta tipsy writing it, hopefully it's not too bad. xoxo

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