Chapter 3: A Meeting With Takahiro

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Hey, so this is the third part, there is some juicy stuff so please enjoy and don't forget to vote and comment if you liked it. Thanks you!
-AnimeBabe97 says peace out bros! :)

"I...I don't really know what to say right now. I just need a while to process this. Just give me time." Takahiro clasped his hands together in agitation, I guessed.

"Takahiro, please think about this carefully okay? I beg you. I really love your brother and would honestly do anything to make him happy." Usagi-San pleaded. Takahiro closed his eyes in his pondering thoughts.

Manami spoke first. "Honestly I think it's so great that you two are together because you both have a relationship with Takahiro. No matter what I'm sure he will think hard about it. So just be patient with him okay?" She took my hand in hers and smiled.

I nodded agreeing to what she said about my brother.

"We better get going Misaki, I need to finish my novel." Usagi-San grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the booth.

"Wait I thought you said you finished that before we came here. I told you that we aren't coming until you finish your novel!" I scolded him in front of Nii-San.

"Looks like I forgot about the last 10 pages I need to finish. Now let's go." He tugged on me some more.

"You dumbass!" I slapped him in the back of the head.

"Ow, you know I am a delicate flower Misaki." I rolled my eyes at his statement.

I could hear Takahiro and Manami talking quietly about us, Manami was saying how adorable we are together and I think Nii-San was complimenting my ability to smack his best friend.

I have a good feeling about this.

"Okay Usagi-San let go of me now. You're hurting me." I pulled my hand out of his loosened grip. I noticed his expression was sad. "Hey what's wrong?" I cupped my hand around his face, but he just pushed it away.

"It's nothing, get in the car." He demanded. I did as he said and got into the car.

He had his hand setting on the console in between us, so I set mine on top of his and wrapped each of my fingers around his. He gripped my hand back, but squeezed slightly, he knew I was worried he just doesn't want to talk about it right now.

When we got into the house, Usagi-San slammed my back against the wall next to phone and pinned my arms above me. "Wha-what are you doing?" I questioned.

"I love you so much Misaki, I don't want you to leave me if Takahiro doesn't accept us."

So that's what he was worried about.

"Don't worry I would never leave, no matter what happens with my brother." I leaned in to Usagi-San and gently placed a kiss on his lips.

"Thank you Misaki, but you don't know what will happen, neither of us do to be honest. You're brother can be unpredictable." He reasoned with me.

I took one of my arms from it's original position to cupping Usagi-San's face. "I promise you right now, that I will never leave you no matter what my brother says. I love you so much, it took me a while to realize this which caused you some pain. I don't want to be the cause of your pain anymore." I smiled and gave him another kiss, this one was a little longer.

"Are you sure you really want to do that? I mean he is your brother after all..." Usagi-San finally released my other hand, both of which were now at my side.

"Yes I'm sure." I answered simply.

That night we went to bed just hugging each other, hoping for the best, come morning I hope we get an answer, I don't think I can stand this and it's only been a few hours.

Ring...ring....ring...ring... The phone rang a few times before I finally got up and answered it.

"Hello?" I tiredly answered the phone, rubbing my eyes.

"Hey Misaki, it me. You and Usagi meet me at the park in an hour okay?" Takahiro sounded different, almost happy, I wonder what his problem is?

"Okay I will try to get Usagi-San up, but I can't make any promises. I'll let you know when we leave the house." All he said was okay and then the call ended.

I placed the phone back on the hook and to my surprise Usagi-San was standing right behind me. "Who was it?" He asked me.

"It was Takahiro." I turned toward Usagi-San and placed my head on his chest. "He wants to meet at the park in an hour." I said, muffled by my lovers chest.

"It will be okay I know it will." He comforted, me brushing his hand through my hair. I nodded into him.

"I suppose we should get ready then." I said and walked upstairs followed closely by sweet smelling Usagi-San.

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