Chapter 4: Takahiro Decides To...

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Hey guys! So this is the last chapter of this haha I'm sorry, but I had to. Anyway enjoy and don't forget to vote and comment! Thank you so much!
-AnimeBabe97 says peace out bros! :)

We walked to the park anxiously awaiting our meeting with Takahiro. Usagi-San and I were silent almost the whole walk there because I mean what are we supposed to say after all.

I spotted Takahiro first, it looks like he is with Manami. I pointed him out to my partner which notified Takahiro and he waved us down. "Come on guys hurry up! I don't have all day!!" Nii-San yelled to us. Usagi-San and I looked at each other and decided to walk a little faster.

We got close to Takahiro, "Hey Nii-sa-" my brother cut me off.

"Sorry Misaki I have to make this short because I have to get to work, but we can certainly have dinner later if you guys want." Usagi-San and I nodded. "Ok good anyway I wanted to let you know that I don't care who you date as long as your happy, even of it's my best friend. It looks like Misaki has you pretty well trained my friend." Takahiro smirked at Usagi-San.

My partner and I laughed before Usagi-San spoke, "Yes he does. I'm very grateful for what he has done for me I really am. Now Takahiro get to work we will have dinner later."

With that my brother and Manami headed to work for the day while Usagi-San and I walk a little bit in the park since we were already there.

"I'm glad." I said quietly not expecting anyone to hear me.

"Why is that?" Usagi-San asked me.

"Well because my brother seemed upset yesterday and now today he was like a whole new guy. It's kind of unbelievable you know."

"I guess. Let's just enjoy the day, we have a few more hours before....oops." He cleared his throat before continuing. "Anyway we have a few more hours until lunch so why not-" I cut Usagi-San off before he said anything else.

"You never finished your book did you?" I looked at him not surprised even one bit. I laughed a little and Usagi told me to stop, but I just couldn't help myself after all he was the one I love and no matter what he will always be a procrastinator.

I leaned up to him and kissed his cheek then ran away as if I did something bad. "Hey come back here! You know you can't just do that and expect me to not to want more! Idiot!" Usagi-San yelled after me while I ran.

I don't want this moment to end I am so happy right now nothing could possibly make me sad.

"Misaki!!!!! Watch out!!!" I looked to see what he was talking about, a bus was swerving into the park. I closed my eyes not wanting to know what happens next, but nothing happened. I opened one eye and saw it, Usagi-San laying on top of me after throwing himself to save me. Thank god he is okay. Thank god I'm okay. What was that bus doing anyway? What the....hell?

I looked at the driver seat only to find that no one was there. "Where the hell is the driver?" I didn't mean to say that out loud, it just came out.

"I'm here! I'm here!" The driver called out from the other side of the road. "I'm so sorry, there was a bee in the bus and I panicked so I jumped! I'm so sorry!" He apologized over and over.

Whatever. "Usagi-San wake up." I shook the man in my lap until he woke up.

"What? I was sleeping." Is all he said before he passed out again. I giggled at this because it was so Usagi. "Oh my god my novel!" He shot up and ran to the house which sent me into hysterical laughter.

I just can't hep but love this wonderful man I call my boyfriend.

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