Chapter 9

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"So are you going to listen to Chat Noir's advice?" Tikki asked as she peeked out of the purse.

"Maybe... the tomcat is right that I can't avoid him forever," Marinette sighed as her nerves bundle up in her guts.

"So you admit that you like Adrien?" Tikki asked.

Marinette started to fiddle with the lucky charm Adrien gave her on her birthday. "I... I don't know... maybe..."

Boy, was she in love? No, she couldn't be. Marinette Dupain Cheng does not let any guy with dreamy green eyes conquer her heart. Marinette was so distracted she didn't realize she was at the school.

"Well Cinderella, prince charming is looking for you, "Tikki announced.

Suddenly, just like that, her head snapped up and her mind began registering what was happening as he saw the one person she could no forget, the one person that had been on her mind all night, and kissed again.

Adrien was getting out of his car and looked up towards her way and both eyes met and connected. Her bluebell eyes stared into his. Adrien felt a flutter in his chest, something he had never experienced in his life. Something made him keep staring at the girl.

Marinette stared right at Adrien. He looked distracted, unprepared for their meeting. Well, Adrien wasn't either even though their path would cross for school.  The two didn't say a word, just looked at each other shocked. Marinette didn't know what to say, she was afraid of what she would say if she opened her mouth. She didn't want to admit she was falling for Adrien, she couldn't be.

Adrien desperately wanted to say something, anything. At least after hearing some of her thoughts when she visited Chat Noir. But no words came to mind, he was drawing a complete blank. Adrien kept his mouth shut, feeling very uncomfortable since he didn't know what Marinette thought about him. He tried to say something, anything, but couldn't. It was as if his whole body was frozen. Adrien finally breathed in and forced himself to take a step forward. Luckily, his legs cooperated and moved. But suddenly, Marinette jumped up, startling Adrien, and the next part shocked him, she started running into the school.

"Look go after she or she'll get away!" Plagg says as he watched in amusement.

"We're both in the same class," Adrien's eye-rolled.

"Oh, I see. Your gonna give her some slack, then reel her in, then give her some slack, then reel her in, then give her some slack--"

"Knock it off, Plagg--she's a girl, not a mackerel," Adrien argues.

Marinette raced away from Adrien, not being able to take the silence anymore. Once she was sure she was out of sight, she slowed down to a walk. She was so confused. When she saw Adrien, a million feelings rushed into her, nervousness, happiness, and a tingly feeling that wouldn't go away. 

And thinking about Adrien made it harder to stop. Because she knew deep down she fell in love with him, and she couldn't do anything to stop it.

She quickly was holding the script to work on the next movie scene, flipping to the scene, where the sticky note was to point out where to start and stop.

Adrien sat awkwardly in front of Marinette as she looked at the part they were supposed to do and froze. Adrien noticed this as she looked back at her and frowned.

"What's wrong Marinette, forgot your lines this time?" he asked to hope to make things somewhat normal with a typical insult.

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