Chapter 1

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Alya and Marinette were looking a magazine. Marinette was reading out loud, "Leo: Your heart's gonna roar".  They turn the page and sees pictures of Adrien on both pages. "Ugh, does he have to ruin  the magazine too."

"Girl it's like you can't keep him off your radar," Alya chuckled in response, "Maybe you guys are meant to be."

"Ugh, Adrien and Marinette Agreste!You must be crazy!" Marinette shook her head as they continue to look at the magazine

"What do you mean it is destiny!" Alya teases, "But good thing destiny doesn't control me." 

"What do you mean?" Marinette asked.

"If it did, I get stuck with Nino," Alya laughed along with Marinette.

Nino was watching  nearby as he was  gazing at Marinette. Adrien appears behind and tease Nino, "FYI, Marinette's never going to fall in love with a statue."

Nino immiedatly turned to see Adrien and pulls him to hide, "Shhh! You know I'm no good with the ladies, especially this one all of a sudden. I mean, dude, do I go up to her and crack her a joke? Shoot her a compliment? Invite her to the zoo? Play it serious?"

"Wait you like Marinette?" Adrien asked with crossed arms.

"Yeah, I know you two hate each other but me and her were friends before your feud. I can't stop what the heart wants man," Nino argues.

Adrien puts his hands up in self defense, "Ok fine I won't judge.Even though I can't stand her, but your my friend. But Nino, you're way over-thinking this. "Invite her to the zoo", you serious?"

Nino stammered, "Well, they have this really cool new exhibit there."

Adrien put his hand on Nino shoulder, "Listen, just be yourself, man."

Nino scoffed, "That's easy for you to say, Mr. Front-of-the-cover-Teen-Model-weekly. I'm not that cool."

"You're cool too, dude, trust me — or you wouldn't be my best bud. Don't forget she does hate Mr. Front-of-the-cover-Teen-Model-weekly. Invite her to the zoo. She'll say "yes", I promise." Adrien reassured.

Nino begin to walk to the girls with confidence but panics at the last minute and runs back to Adrien, "What if I act like a moronosaurus, or she disses me or thinks I'm lame or—?"

Adrien reassured Nino, "Okay, I got your back." 

"Oh, he's such a—" Marinette was listing the things she hated about Adrien to Alya.

Alya interjected to Marinette list, "Smartie, hottie, suavísimo, yummy-tastic spellbinder!"

"I would kill you but I don't have time to break in a new best friend," Marinette chuckled before bumping into Nino, "Huh?"

Nino stands still in front of her, with a wide nervous smile.

"Oh,sorry," Adrien apologize as he appear behind Nino, "Right, Nino?"

"Sorry." Nino stammered.

Marinette giggle and drops her magazine, Adrien walks over to pick it up for her. They end up bumping into each other by their forehead.

"Sorry." They both said as they quickly separated.

Marinette grabs the magazine away agrily, "Agreste."

"Marinette. How could we make it up to you? Any ideas...Nino?" Adrien shrugs towards Nino as he doesn't answer, "How about we all check out the...zoo today? Word is they've got a new..." Adrien snaps his finger in front of Nino.

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