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It's been a year since Taehyung was in coma

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It's been a year since Taehyung was in coma. Jungkook and the hyungs visited taehyung Everyday in the hospital. Jungkook always talked to him holding his cold hands which was warm at sometimes.

He wished time could go back and he could save his lover. He wished he was the one to get shot not his Tubelight. He wore a simple white shirt with blue riped pants. He set in his car driving off towards the hospital. He reached there. He went inside the room and saw hoseok sitting there. "Hyung you can go now I'll stay here tonight". Hoseok nods and went out.

Jungkook sighs and set on the chair beside Taehyungs bed. He held taehyungs cold hands in his own warm once. "Why don't you open your eyes now huh ? You Tubelight don't you know how much we all are worried for you ? Don't you love me anymore ?" Jungkook says tears streaming down his doe eyes rolling down his cheeks.

He chocked on some sobs and kept his head on taehyungs hand which was on his own hands. He cried and cried until he fell asleep. The next day he woke up and saw Taehyung who still wasn't awake.

He sighed and slaps Taehyungs cheek softly "Wake up already you reptile !" He said with tears in his eyes. He sighed and stood up going out of the hospital room. He directly went to his home changing into normal clothes.

"boss eat something you are getting skinny" the maid said softly not wanting to make her boss angry. Jungkook shook his head "I am not in mood to eat just give that food to poor peoples." The maid sighs and nods going away.

Jungkook went to his room laying on his bed looking up at the ceiling. It's been a year since he have been in Taehyungs arms. It's been a year since he is deseprate to hear taehyungs voice , his laugh , his giggle , his tantrums , his dumbness , his bickerings. He didn't noticed as the tears rolled down his eyes.

He burried his face in the pillow and cried wetting the pillows. He want to feel the warmth again which made him feel happy which made him feel safe. He want to feel Taehyung where he have been safe.

'Please wake up fast' Jungkook cried out loud chocking on some sobs. Soon he felt a hand rubbing his back. He looked at the owner of the hand and saw jin sitting there. Jin sighed "it's ok kook he'll wake up soon". Jungkook kept his head in jins lap crying his head burried in jins waist. Jin carasses jungkooks hairs. "Kook stop crying it's not like he is dead or some. He'll wake up soon".

"i-i wan-na h-hear h-him. I w-wanna b-bicker with h-him , i-i wanna f-feel h-him h-hyung wh-hy is h-he not wakin-ng up ?!" Jungkook sobs. Jin sighed and cups jungkooks soft chubby cheeks "Kook sometimes the distance make you feel more in love. Think this situation as a test of your love. Think this is your test for your lover which you need to pass. To get your lover back now smile and don't be a depressed ass you brat". Jin glares at Jungkook playfully.

Jungkook giggles softly. Jin smiled "now that's my kookie". "not your kookie Tubelight's kookie" jungkook pouts. Jin chuckled pinching jungkooks cheeks "yes yes Tubelight's kookie now sleep it's night already you cried whole day today. You even skipped lunch and dinner kookie" jin sighed. Jungkook sighs and went to kitchen eating his dinner he came back and laid on bed drifting to his dreamland.

But far away somewhere. Someone was making some another plans smirking evily. "Just wait and watch how I kill you on that hospital bed Kim Fucking Taehyung." The person let out a evil laugh throwing his head back while laughing the people nearby flinched scared cause of the person's venom voice.

[A/N : ahem sorry to make you cry but sorry not sorry haha *evil laugh*]

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[A/N : ahem sorry to make you cry but sorry not sorry haha *evil laugh*]

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