Chapter 15 - Secrets Not Meant To Be Found

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Y/N sat on the edge of his bed looking at the cross Zoe bought for him so long ago, Selvea walks inside and closes the door behind her wearing her pajamas walking over to Y/Ns bed and sat down stretching.

Y/N sat on the edge of his bed looking at the cross Zoe bought for him so long ago, Selvea walks inside and closes the door behind her wearing her pajamas walking over to Y/Ns bed and sat down stretching

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Selvea: "What a day right Y/N?" Selvea says looking at him.

Y/N says nothing and continues to look at the cross.

Selvea: "Y/N? You ok?" Selvea says as she crawls over to him wrapping her arms around his torso.

Y/N: "Huh? Yeah I'm ok why do you ask?"

Selvea: "You've just been acting so weird these past few days, always looking at the cross neckless do you miss your human mom?"

Y/N: "Yeah I really do, wish I could talk to her again so I can get answers."

Selvea: "What kind?" Selvea says resting her head on his shoulder.

Y/N: "Just where she was when the missile came and what she actually did for a living, she never talked about work with me ever and it's starting to come to my mind how she never told me even the few times I did ask her."

Selvea: "Well I'm sure she'll come see you someday, for now you just gotta keep living just like she wanted you to."

Y/N: "Yeah your right Sel, c'mon lets go to bed I'm tired."

Selvea pulls Y/N down and Y/N puts the cross neckless on the nightstand as Selvea wraps her body around him and Y/N pulls the covers over them and they fall asleep together. 

- In Another Reality -

Y/N wakes up with a yawn and sits up looking around Selvea laying next to him, Y/N looks around until he sees his door open and his mother opens the door and closes it and brings his swivel chair to Y/Ns bed and sits in front of him.

Y/N: "Good to see you mom."

Mom: "It's good to see you to dear, how've you been?"

Y/N: "Good just living life, besides the trial that happened a few weeks ago."

Mom: "I saw, I know it must've been hard for you to forgive them but I'm glad to see you recognized they've changed."

Y/N: "Yeah it took me a few seconds to think about it when they told me they were sorry, anyway what'd ya bring me here for?"

Mom: "Well I know you've been wondering about me for awhile."

Y/N looks at Selvea.

Y/N: "Yeah I really have."

Mom: "Dear it's ok to ask me questions, I know I left you in the dark about a lot of things."

Y/N: "It's just... why'd you leave me alone? Why'd you never talk about work or where you worked? It's been on my mind ever since the missile and even after I first came here after the attack."

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