(16) Fair Warning

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Third Person's POV

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Third Person's POV

"If you stay with him, it might annihilate you bit by bit. That's what the fate has do to those who rule beside a pack leader and being a beta is gonna be more worrisome. Why, I'm not altogether sure but we all are aware how betas are seen. But when you soar high they will drag you down.

They can stir up your anxieties and it's just Taehyung and these five men to be the one to soothe you and help you to find fault with anyone that competes for your attention. This is about as fair as I can be, it's your warning. So if you're still here with him you've chosen that life. I guess you have some thinking to do but you know Taehyung will do his best to support you, at the end of the day their judgments won't matter. So, think wisely as you will have a lifetime change after that"

That was what Jungkook heard from the former Luna before she and the former Alpha left. Meeting them wasn't bad and whatever the former Luna had told him was nothing but the facts, the things she has herself gone through. So Jungkook knew that she was just looking out for and he was glad that she did.

Now, he really had some thinking to do.

If he and Taehyung accepts each other, Jungkook was going to be the Luna of Amaris and be side by side with Taehyung all the times. It was gonna be hard, everyone knew and Jungkook was not sure if he was ready for that huge responsibility. He never knew his mate would turn out to be the pack leader of Amaris.

On the other hand, Taehyung was a bit overwhelmed by everything. The things he had got to know about his mate and meeting his parents the same day was overwhelming. He was there when his mom had the talk with Jungkook, not only him but everyone was there. He had given Jungkook some space and time to think as he was sitting with everyone else while the beta was in their bedroom.

Taehyung knew that Jungkook is in pain. So much so obvious because in the end, Jungkook remembers not the war of enemies, but the silence and outburst of his friend.

But those old scars are best left alone. He acknowledged that it seemed kind to ask and enquire, but in this situation it isn't. Every one of those scars is some terrible pain, that's why he is ready to accept Jungkook as he is and be compassionate and not only that he loves Jungkook as the beta is. So that surface conversation they had earlier, it wasn't much but it was something and actually the right balance in that moment.

They now had no secrets between them and this conversation happening before anything was just more than enough to strengthen their mate bond and double knot the strings entangled between both of their hearts.

It's a matter of time now when they would accept each other as mates but Jungkook had a decision to make before that. Although Taehyung and the others somewhat knew what Jungkook would go for.

After an hour or so, when Taehyung got back to the bedroom. Jungkook had pulled him down to sit by side and side and have a conversation again. The more conversations they would have the more they would trust and be comfortable with each other.

"I don't wanna sugarcoat anything but you are the knight in my day, the sunshine of the eternal dawn within, the one that makes it safe for my soul to breathe anew. You show a courage I thought long extinguished from the world, yet here you are. It is because of who you are that I feel this way, that your touch is energy and all that you are is home. I trust you even when the cold winds blow; I hold to you when sinister whispers speak ill, for I saw your soul one precious night under the stars and it lives with me still. So, for all the time there is a me,

I am yours, mind, body and soul"

Jungkook whispered the last part and for Taehyung the time suddenly turned magical. He knew that Jungkook would stay by his side but it was still shocking to hear it from the aforementioned himself. He loves Jungkook and hearing this only made his heart clench from adoration.

He will make sure to be by Jungkook's side and protect him from everything, give him his all, all that the beta desires for.
See you all in the next chapter.
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And if there are any mistakes I am sorry for that.
Stay safe and stay happy.💜💜


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I am a Samsung user, what about you all? Anyways, next chapter is accepting finally ✨

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I am a Samsung user, what about you all? Anyways, next chapter is accepting finally

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