Honeymoon Diaries - 1

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Warning: This is going be a few chapters of smut and a peek at Ryerson and Lyla's love-making life. So expect extremely suggestive and mature content. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.


      "Did you start having your pills? I told you to, remember?" Vera asked Lyla, referring to the birth control pills she had the idea to have ever since the idea of a honeymoon came up between Lyla and Ry. Vera was Ryerson's cousin, someone who had become a sister and a good friend to Lyla over time. It also helped that she was only a year or so younger than her. Lyla nodded, "did you finish packing as well?" Vera asked.

     "Yes," Lyla said, "I-"

    "No! You haven't finished packing!" Vera exclaimed, "how could you have finished packing, if you didn't include these?" the brunette threw a bag Lyla's way, barely letting her dogde it from hitting her face. She picked up the bag cautiously, her eyes scanning dangerously over the Victoria's Secret label on the front.

     "Were you actually roaming around the streets with this bag out to the world?" Lyla had to ask before she uttered another word. Vera looked at her dryly, as if saying 'that's what you want to say first?' "No," Lyla warned in a low tone, "do not tell me you-" she gasped as she dumped the contents of the bag on the bed, "you did!" Vera narrowed her eyes on Lyla's way.

      "You seriously think," Vera started, her green eyes flashing dangerously, "that I'm going to let you go on your honeymoon and experience your first time with my just-as-much-of-a-virgin brother without lingerie?" she asked, "you think I'm mad?"

      "Yes! Yes I do think you're mad!" Lyla said, "wh-what is this?" she spluttered, picking up flimsy fabric of one of the lingerie with two fingers.

       "It is called 'an opportunity to look even sexier for your husband'," Vera spelled out, as if talking to a five-year-old, though she would never really say that to a five year old. Lyla glared at her, "don't look at me like that! You're going on your honeymoon in the two weeks you're supposed to be celebrating your first wedding anniversary! You haven't had any action all your life-"

       "I could say the same to you," Lyla said pointedly, Vera scowled but continued, not denying it.

       "-just like my brother, and you expect me to not give you things that will, let's say, enhance the experience?" she finished.

        "Oh yeah, just give me a dildo while you're at it," Lyla said sarcastically.

        "What are we talking about?" Ryerson asked, walking into the room. Lyla practically jumped on the bed, trying to cover up all the lingerie that was strewn across the sheets. He raised an eyebrow while Vera raised her own brow, challenging her sister-in-law sadistically.

        "Lyla was asking me to get her a-"

        "Okay fine, I'll take it with me! Stop! Stop! STOP!" Lyla shouted, wanting to strangle Vera. The brunette smirked triumphantly, moving to Lyla, and discreetly advancing behind her to grab the lingerie and dump it into the bag.

         "Byeee, dear sister," Vera said, walking out the room, "your suitcase is outside right?" she asked. Lyla nodded with clenched teeth, knowing that Vera was going to stuff the lingerie in her suitcase. Ryerson was silent the entire time, confusion written across his face.

        "What just happened?" he asked.

       "Nothing," Lyla answered immediately, walking to him and pulling him down for a firm kiss. He returned it with fervour, almost instantaneously forgetting what he was going to say.

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