Walking down the street pt. 2

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Heey. There are a few triggers here.
Slight homophobia (Viridi is a bitch)
Angst (Dark Pit exists)

Pit's P.O.V
He just kissed me, out of nowhere.
This is going better than I expected.
He pulled away, "Sorry." He mumbled.
"I kinda liked it." I responded.
He blushed and looked away.
First of all, Pittoo saying sorry, wow.
Second of all, uhh, awkward.
"Should I, uhh, go?" He asked me.
Damn it. This may be my only chance.
"Uhh, if you want to." I replied to him nervously.
We both just just sat there for a second, waiting for the other to say something.
Finally, he stood up, "Uhh, see you later." He said.
I waved at him.
After he left, I went down to Palutena.
"So, how did it go?" She asked.
"Okay, I mean, it was awkward at the end." I told her.
"Why?" She asked in confusion.
"At the end, he kissed me." I told her with a blush.
"Oh, so there was some progress made." She said.
"I guess." I replied.
"Well I made dinner, so sit down at the table." She told me.
"Okay." I complied.
As we ate dinner, I could only think about Pittoo.
What was he doing?
Dark Pit's P.O.V
"Where were you?" Viridi yelled at me.
"I told you, I was at Pit's place." I responded.
"Don't go to the enemy's house!" She screamed once more.
"I love him!" I yelled before running off.
I could still here her screaming at me to come back as I bolted to my room.
When I got o my room, I sat on my be d and thought.
Why did I say I love him?
Do I love him?
What do I do now?
Should I talk to Viridi?
Right then, Viridi burst through the door.
"Get out of here." She said sternly.
"Why?" I asked.
"I'd rather be tortured and killed than have a homo working for me." She said.
"Fine. I don't want to stay here anyways." I said as I walked out.

5 minutes later I was walking around outside, not knowing what to do.

I could go to Pit, but that would be awkward.
Well I have no other options.
Pit's P.O.V
When I heard the doorbell ring, I headed downstairs to go check it out. I was surprised at who it was.
"Hi." Pittoo said looking away.
"What's wrong." I asked him.
"Viridi kicked me out." He replied still looking away.
"Well you can come in." I opened the door a little more.
He walked in as Palutena came into the room.
"Why hello Pittoo. What brings you here?" She asked him.
"Viridi kicked me out." He replied.
"Why?" She asked.
"I'd prefer not to say." He responded.
"Well you can stay here." Palutena told him.
"Thanks." He replied.
"You can stay in my room." I told him.
We both walked to my room.
"Thanks for letting me stay." He said.
"No problem Pittoo." I responded.
When we got to my room, it was pretty late, so we went to sleep, I slept on the floor, and he slept on my bed.

I was awoken at around 2 AM to crying.
I looked over and saw Pittoo weeping.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
He looked over realizing I was awake.
"Nothing." He said, trying to act like he didn't cry.
"You can tell me, I'll understand." I told him.
"No, you wouldn't." He replied.
"Pittoo, I just want to help you." I told him.
He sighed in defeat.
"Pit, look, uhh, it's, well, umm, er." He looked nervous.
"I love you, okay." He finally said.
I looked shocked.
"Oh no, I knew I shouldn't have-." But before he could finish, I shut him up with a kiss.
When I pulled away, he looked shocked.
"Wha?" He said confused.
"Don't cry." I said sweetly. "I love you too."
Palutena's P.O.V
I went into the boys room to wake them up for breakfast.
When I went in, I saw the two cuddling.
"Aww." I said as I took a picture.
"I gotta send this to Viridi." I mumbled as I emailed it to her.
I got a slew of angry messages.
A lot I can't say.
But there was one, that said, 'i'm gonna kill that homo.'
I forgot she kicked him out, now I know why.
Pit's P.O.V
I woke up the next morning, cuddling with Pittoo.
"Pittoo, wake up." I cooed
"No." He replied.
"C'mon, I'll give you a kiss." I said to him.
"Fine." He said.
When he got up, I pecked him on the lips.
That made him slightly smile.
We both went down to the kitchen to have breakfast.
When we got there, Viridi was sitting on a chair, alongside Palutena.
"I'll kill you, you emo homo!" She yelled at Pittoo.
"Hey! Don't call him that!" I yelled at her.
"What now? Defending your boyfriend?" She taunted.
"He is." Dark Pit said quietly.
"The F***?" She yelled.
"Everybody calm down." Palutena said, knowing the situation would escalate.
"Let's talk this all out." She said when the situation had died down.
"Viridi, why are you mad at Pittoo?" She asked.
"Because he is a blemish on the world." She spat.
"Okay, why is he 'a blemish on the earth'?" Palutena asked the infuriated goddess.
"Because He is gay." Her words like poison.
"Okay, Dark Pit, what do you have to say?" She asked Pittoo.
"You are wrong Viridi. I was created this way, and nothing can change that." Dark Pit said, clearly mad.
Palutena was about to speak, when I chimed in, "Viridi, Dark Pit deserves to be happy. Everyone does. So why don't we ask Dark Pit what would make him happy?" I suggested.
"I agree. What would make you happy Pittoo?" Palutena agreed.
"Pit." He simply said. "Pit would make me happy."
"Fine. If you want to be a disgrace to the world, do. Just know that I hope you die in the most painful way." Viridi said before storming out the door.
After that whole... thing. We all ate breakfast.
"Pit, can I talk to you?" Dark pit asked me.
"Sure." I replied as we went to my room.
"Pit, what are we?" Dark Pit asked me.
"I don't know Pittoo. What do you want to be?" I responded.
"Do you want o be my boyfriend?" He asked me.
"Yes." I replied with the happiest expression on my face.

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