What if...

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What if Kid Icarus Uprising ended a little... differently.
What if Hades wasn't defeated?
What if Skyworld, was destroyed?
What if Palutena, didn't make it?
What if Pit and Dark Pit, barley survived?
These are the questions I plan to answer today.

Pit's P.O.V
I was running for my life.
There were to many Monoeyes chasing me.
I need to get out of here.
Or run down the halls of Palutena's Temple.
What am I going to do?

I run into a random room, pressing my back against the door.
It's all my fault, it is.
I fly towards Hades in the great sacred treasure.
I am about to hit him, but he grabs it.
He smashes it to bits, before throwing me back to Skyworld.
I run to Palutena's Temple.
*flashback over*
I can hear them pounding on the door, then it stops.
"Pit, come out." I hear a familiar voice say.
I've heard it before, but I can't put my finger on it.
"Pit, I'm coming in." They say.
Someone  then kicks down the door, and it was none other, than Pittoo.
"Pittoo! Am I glad to see you!" I yell.
"1, don't call me Pittoo, 2 shut up, they are going to hear us." He tells me.
"What are we gonna do?" I whisper to him.
"I-I don't know." He sighs.
"We need to make a plan." I say.
"Yup," Says Pittoo, "we need to retake Skyworld, and destroy the Underworld in the process."
I think in my head for a moment. How will we do this?

"Pittoo, I don't think this is a good idea." I said nervously.
"Don't worry, it's fine. Hopefully." He responds, trying to act confident.
We are about to charge the underworld, in what can only be described as a suicide mission.
Pittoo is convinced it will work though.
We charge towards the portal that leads to this wretched place.
When we enter the portal, we immediately shoot down some guards.
We kill some Monoeyes, and make our way to Hades.
We walked in, weapons in hand, and saw him sitting in a chair.
"Ahh, I see you two have come back." He says.
We say no words, just running at him with no plan.
We plan to kill Hades, then... something.
He sends a spiky object at me, and I prepare for death, but Pittoo jumps out, taking the object to the chest.
He falls to the ground, writhing in pain.
He can barley breathe, and it feels as if time has slowed.
I kneel down to him, wondering what will happen.
Suddenly, I feel a burst of anger.
I charge Hades, ready to attack.
I shoot him as much as I can, and I was able to defeat him.
I quickly went over to Pittoo, ready to help him.
I know this is probably his final hoorah, but I don't want to believe that.
I kneel down, ready to help.
"Pit..." he whispers with the breath he has left, "I lo-" he is cut short.
His body goes limp, and I feel multiple emotions at once.
I feel angry, sad, regretful, and to many others.
It all comes out as sobs.

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