a new job?

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Here you were, walking to the dreaded pizzarea, the moment you have been waiting for. Finally,you had a job. As a waitress.it wasn't the job you exactly wanted, but it would do, it pays you $100 a week. You have called the previous day, you were walking in. 'hello!' greeted a tall man with a red phone for a head.his name tag read PG 'you must be (y/n).' 'yup!' you said shaking his hand. 'go over to toy Chica over there, she will explain everything you have to do,don't be shy!' PG said with a smile.and pointing to toy chica. You walked over to toy chica who was handing out cake to a table. 'hello there! You must be (y/n)!' 'yes, and PG over there said to talk to you, I'm the new waitress' you said this pointing to PG 'oh, okay!' she walked you to a table and sat down. You sat across from her. She explained everything.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~le magical timeskip~~~~~~~~~~~
'and that's all you have to do!' you started walking to the kitchen to get cakes and pizza, they didn't have a uniform for you yet.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~le magical timeskip~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You were about to walk out of the pizzarea when a man came up to you with purple skin,hair and clothes. He smiled weirdly, form cheek to cheek? Anyways he handed you your waitress uniform. He then said 'hey hot stuff, here is your uniform!' you blushed. But took it. A girl named Ren (let's see who can guess who that is XD), who was the night shift security guard with PG , getting ready for her night shift went 'OHHHHHHHH VINCENT HAS A CRUSH VINCENT HAS A CRUSH!!!!!!!' like a little child. Vincent blushed and you blushed harder. PG walked in. 'hey Ren,you ready to start our shift soon?' PG said to the girl who had just yelled. 'y-yup' Ren said blushing and looking down. Vincent saw and grinned. 'im not the only one who has a crush' and then the girl blushed harder. Vincent pushed you against the wall and gave you his phone number. 'call me' he walked out.

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