Baby Series 1 - Always & Forever

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Hello everyone.... Thank you so much for voting and commenting on the previous story. a little busy, so couldn't reply to the comments, I'm sorry.

Previous Story : My Adorable Weirdo (Posted on 02 – Aug – 2021)

A little busy, will reply to PMs in a couple of days.

I'm starting a new series called Baby Series, it is just that, I've got another idea for a story with a baby in it. don't know when I will write it, so thought I'll just start a baby series.

Finally, I am using the famous Always & Forever (The Originals) as a title for my story.

Even after writing 75% of this story, I wanted to abandon this story but since I wrote so much, I decided to finish it off. so please forgive if you feel the story is disengaging... I don't know why but I had a hard time writing it.

Omkara looks out the window as his car sped through the traffic. Since the moment he had landed in this city, his thoughts had been going back to her. he sighs furiously, he thought of her more than he liked to admit it. and coming to this city, he was getting plagued by her thoughts. The moment he had stepped foot on this city, he had remembered that she was working in this city. And since then he wasn't able to stop thinking of her.

Her, Gauri Kumari Sharma.

He had no idea why he thought of her. he thought of her at the most unexpected moments. Sometimes in the middle of a meeting, someone would say something and his mind would latch on to something that was connected to Gauri. he hated that. he didn't want to think of her. she didn't matter to him and he shouldn't be thinking of her. every time he convinces himself that he forgot her, one of her letters would come for him reminding him of her. he never opened a single letter of hers. But he couldn't bring himself to destroy it, so those letters were lying in one corner of his briefcase.

Omkara sighs, his life was already messed up, he didn't want any more added to it but she doesn't seem to understand that. she couldn't take no as an answer. Gauri was his junior in college. She was exactly opposite to him. bubbly, friendly, full of life while he was reserved, silent and angry at the whole fucking world.

He didn't have much friends, just a few because he was scared to make friends. Every person that speak to him, he would be worried about what they would be talking behind his back, so he couldn't bring himself to trust anyone. The only one he had trusted in his life was his Dadi, and now Shivaay. Shivaay, a true friend.

He is the only son of Tej and Jhanvi. At least, the only legal son. He had no idea whether his father had other children. His mother didn't, because she lived in front of him, pretty much all his life. so, he doubted if she could sneak in a pregnancy without him knowing. Omkara furiously looks out. As far as he could remember, his parents have been in an open relation, competing with each other in finding younger paramours. It didn't matter to them that he was seeing it all or the press was always publishing about their affairs. They just didn't care about anyone other than themselves.

He led a lonely childhood because he was scared to make friends for they always made fun of him for his parents' choices. His only solace was his Dadi. He could share everything with her and she loved him. she was his best friend. She was his whole world.

When it was time for college, he had come to this city as he wanted to get away from his parents. His Dadi had come with him, things were fine till his college mates figured out his Oberon identity, after the viscous circle had repeated. It was around that time that Gauri had proposed him but he had rejected her. because he didn't believe in love, marriage, relations, flings, anything. But she had shamelessly pursued him and he had continued to ignore her. then one day, his Dadi had passed away. the first time, he had truly noticed Gauri was when she had come to pay respects to his Dadi. He didn't speak to her then too but he had noticed her. Dadi's death had pushed him over the edge and he had turned to drugs and alcohol. His final years of college and the time after that he had drifted in and out of consciousness.

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