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Thanks to all for voting and commenting on the previous story. Tanha Dil/ Lonely Heart(posted on 24. May. 2023)

I actually forgot that I had written a story called Lonely Hearts when I named my previous story as Tanha Dil. Sorry about that.


This is not much of a story.

This is an idea I had for a long time but never wrote it as I felt there was no story, just a scene... then, I thought why not just write that sene.

So, I decided to make it a Drabble. This is my yet another attempt at a Drabble.

788 words... I'm getting there.

Let me warn you, it has no logic and no story

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Let me warn you, it has no logic and no story.

Will reply to PMs and messages soon.

Gauri sighs loudly as she turned in her car seat and looked at Omkara. "Such a long day I had. The travel was hectic."

Omkara smiles contentedly at her as he caressed her cheek with t he back of his finger.

"But I'm so glad that I'm finally here." Gauri says smiling happily in relief.

"I missed you." Omkara tells her.

Gauri leans towards him as she whispers against his lips."I missed you more."

Omkara pulls her close to him and hungrily kisses her.

They were kissing when they were drenched in a bright flash light.


"I'm a lawyer and I know my rights!" Omkara says furiously as he sat opposite the inspector in the police station while Gauri sat beside him and cried.

"Oh so, you would do anything you want in public?" The SI asks him in disgust.

"We were in my car!" Omkara reminds him. "And we are consenting adults! And it is not a crime!"

"Ah, you would know, after all you're an expert in bending the law and finding loopholes!" He says in hatred.

"Do we know each other?" Omkara asks confused.

SI looks at him in pure hatred. Then looking at Gauri he asks, "Who is she?"

"My girlfriend."

"Really?" SI chuckles. "You know there is a beach just 50 meters away from where you were?"

"So?" Omkara asks confused.

"Prostitution in public place is not allowed."

"What the fuck asshole?" Omkara furiously screams as he stood up and Gauri quickly holds his hand to pull him back.

"No, Om, please."

"Abusing police? That is also another offense."

"What the hell is your problem?" Omkara asks him furiously. "What you are doing is illegal."

"I'm not doing anything. I'm not going to arrest you. I'm just waiting for a few reporters. Once they come, I'll let you two leave. Let the world see how the ace criminal lawyer is in his private life."

"Why are you doing this?" Gauri asks him as she cried.

He ignores Gauri.

"Even if the press comes, I know how to handle this." Omkara says as he stared at the SI then looking at his name plate, he frowns. "Ajay Shukla." He looks at Ajay's face and says. "I know that name."

"Now, you remember?" Ajay asks in hatred.

"You were among the people that had filed false charge against my client. And you were demoted and transferred as punishment." Omkara says remembering.

"This time, no arrests will be made but your reputation would be butchered. Criminal lawyer soliciting with prostitutes."

"She is my girlfriend." Omkara furiously says as he stood up to grab Ajay's throat.

Gauri quickly gets up and pulls him down before Omkara could even touch Ajay. "That's enough!" Gauri sternly tells him.

Ajay stops in confusion seeing the demure girl being authoritative now.

"Took you long enough!" Omkara mutters in disgust.

Gauri grabs her cell phone from the table as she shrugged at Omkara. "Wanted to see what was happening and how are things here."

"How dare you..." Ajay starts as he started to grab the phone from Gauri who had started dialing a number.

Omkara quickly holds his hand.

"Let him go, Om. You'll not touch a policeman." Gauri sternly orders him as she waited for the person to answer the call.

Omkara lets go off Ajay's hand and tells him in a warning tone. "Trust me, you don't want to trouble her."

Ajay frowns as he looked at Gauri. "Keep your phone back here."

Gauri stares at Ajay and then she hears "Hello?"

"Hello, Dandi. This is Gauri Kumari Sharma, we met in the evening."

"Yes, Madam." Dandi says quickly on the phone.

"Did I wake you up?"

"No, Madam. What can I do for you?"

"I want the suspension order for Ajay Shukla. I'll message you the details and the fax number to send the order." Gauri says and hangs up.

Ajay stops in shock as he stared at Gauri.

Grinning smugly, Omkara informs him, "I didn't introduce my girlfriend properly. Gauri Kumari Sharma, Deputy Commissioner. She took charge today, I guess that is why you didn't recognize her."

The blood drains from Ajay's face while Gauri glared at him. Seeing the fire and fury in her eyes, he was scared.

"Sir, the press is here." A constable informs Ajay as he stood at the door.

"I guess, I'll have to address the press and give them an update." Gauri says in a tired tone as she stared at Ajay.

"Madam... I'm sorry."

"Save it!" Omkara says grinning it. "She never accepts my apology! And you think she will accept yours?"

"I accept your apology when you grovel good and well." Gauri reminds him cheekily as she walked out to address the press.

*** The End ***

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- Lazy

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