Destined To Be Yours... (OS)

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"Captain, I love you." Gauri confesses in nervous excitement.

Hearing the bizarre declaration he turns to look at the kid. "Sorry?"

"I love you, Captain." Gauri nervously confesses again.

He looks at the girl standing in front of him in a frock with pigtails confessing her love to him. He wanted to laugh out loud but he couldn't hurt her feelings, he wondered what to tell her in reply as he turned to gaze at the horizon.

"I know you think I am just a small girl but I really love you, Captain." Gauri tells him earnestly.

He turns to her with a gentle smile, "Gauri..."

"Yes?" she says eagerly making him smile all the more.

"How old are you?"


"Do you know how old I am?" he asks her.


"Hmmm so you know."

"Yes. It doesn't matter to me."

"I could be arrested for talking about love to you." he exaggerates.

"Mama has told me that it is not wrong to love anyone. She said we should love everyone."

"That is a different kind of love, Gauri." he gently tells her.

"Love is love."

"You are going to grow up and realize that love is not this. I am 20 years old than you. This is just a passing fancy."

"No... I know, I love you."

"You are not even old enough to know what love is, Gauri."

"When I become old enough..." Gauri starts.

"You will realize that this was not love." He finishes for her.

"No... when I become old enough to understand love according to you... till then will you wait for me?" Gauri asks him worriedly.

If she hadn't looked so worried he would have burst out laughing. "I could meet someone I want to marry then."

"I am the one who is destined to be yours." Gauri tells him confidently.

"No, Gauri."

"Yes. I know. I love you."

"What do you know about me?"

"I know everything." Gauri argues. "I love you. You are so nice."

"Hmmm how about my son?" he asks her.

"You have a son?" Gauri asks him shocked.

"No... when I get married and have a son then?"

"No...I love you." Gauri argues. "And won't your son be younger to me for many years?"

"Hmmm... how about a cousin brother of mine? He looks a lot like me and he is about your age I guess. Maybe some 3 years older to you. He just finished school."

"NO! I want only you."

"Do you know what they say about a Captain? A belle in every port."

She had read enough books to know what that phrase meant exactly. Gauri's eyes filled with tears hearing his callous reply. "Please Captain... I really love you a lot. Please wait for me to grow up." Gauri pleads him.

He was getting uncomfortable with this conversation and to put a stop to this he tells her sternly, "Enough, Gauri. You are just a kid, so behave like a kid. I am older than you for 20 years! So stop these silly notions. Don't make me regret letting your father bring you and your mother onboard during your vacations."

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