Goldilocks Universe Theory

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Shielding your eyes from this bare-chested old man across from you, a hand rammed into your lower back, "Oh ho! I see you brought me another scientist! Hm? Are you needing something for your studies?" His smile was warm and inviting. "Or maybe just a friend tagging along, like Taiju?" Kaseki scanned your face, his wrinkles straightening alongside his raised eyebrow. Quickly you looked towards your sopping wet science instructor, your hands still over your face, unsure how to make eye contact. "Perhaps. something more?" Peaking from behind your hands you caught a glance of Senku's rotten expression twist in disgust. You finally answered, "Oh uh. I'm Y/N. I'm just a... uh..." you tried to find the right word to use. 'Indentured servant? Hostage? Victim?' "Y/N is my apprentice." Senku handed Kaseki a new robe to put on, letting you finally let out that puff of air that had been begging to escape your cheeks. 'Appretience huh?' you thought, hopefully, this title came with a raise. "Ah, Sorry for the confusion then. Well what can I do you for? Need a belt or chain drive? Maybe an actuator?! Oh ho! I'm already fired up! You always have the best blueprints, Senku!" Steam practically puffed out his ears. Intrigued, you watched Senku pull out blueprint after blueprint out of his satchel. "As you know I've been really trying to focus on my studies while here in Germany, but with so much scientific inspiration around every corner I couldn't resist." The blueprints showed a rocket ship, leaving you in shock. "As ambitious as always! I bet you Chrome would appreciate this, you should send him some photos to show everyone back home." The two of them talked more and more leaving you confused in their wake. 'How long have they known each other?'

The rain continued to pepper your skin like bullets, but the worst seemed to be over. You held five brown paper bags full to the brim with custom-made parts, the smell of parchment becoming stronger as well as soggier. Senku awkwardly held an umbrella over you that he borrowed from Kaseki. He stared straight into the sky, "The cumulonimbus clouds seem to be settling. We should be off to the market then, yeah?" "Shouldn't we... go home and change? The tempture is dropping quite a bit." You hugged your arms around your shoulders. His nose was almost bright red. "While we're out we might as well. Can't perform manual labor without fuel." Senku sucked the snot that was pouring out his nose back into his head as he walked to the car.

The two of you drove through flower-paved streets, the sun peeking through the storm clouds until finally, you could see the top of a spikey building. You couldn't help to stare at it, even indulging yourself in sticking your head out the window. "That's the Ulm Minster, the tallest church in the world. A marvel of modern architecture." Senku said pointing his pinkie towards its direction. The amount of detail was insane to you, it gave you an overwhelming feeling. You couldn't decipher what it was. Underneath were a slew of buildings and a long river that ran through town. He finally stopped at a huddle of peppermint umbrellas that hung on strings above the market. They twisted in the wind, red and white, red and white, red and white. Some stands were decorated with paper mache strawberries, some had handmade signs, where you could still see where the ink soaked into the wood. The rain carried the smell of wet soil and fresh bread through the wind. "I'm surprised they're still open with all the rain we've gotten. So what's the plan, Y/N. Do you have a recipe you want to make?" You raised an eyebrow. "Recipe?" "Well, you haven't eaten all day, figured you weren't so much of a ramen fan so. Do you have a favorite food we can make?" He tilted his head at you. "No, I like ramen. I guess I just wasn't feeling microwave ramen today-" You rubbed the back of your neck.

"Ah, okay. So fresh ramen. That's easy." "That's not what I-" Senku was already off to find the ingredients, disappearing in the crowd. You've gotten used to him wondering off but it was still a bit jarring. He was pretty fast for someone so scrawny.

The smell of rosemary bread wafted from down the path, your mouth sizzling in anticipation. A young baker with two big curls of blonde hair, an undisguisable gender, and a sash down their chest bowed their head towards you. They spoke German at first which you struggled to understand. They laughed, "Pardon. Would you like to buy some bread courtesy of the Nanami family? It's all locally sourced." The bread crackled in their hands like a sweet symphony. "Yes I'll take two!" You could barely contain yourself. "Ah thank you." The two round loaves of rosemary bread were then wrapped in parchment and twine and placed into a wicker basket alongside a cloth of cheese. "Here, why don't you take some fresh eggs too. Free of charge. And of course you'll need this basket to be going around the market." They handed you a beautiful basket with three eggs and the rosemary bread. Before you can refuse they took a couple of coins from your hand to pay for the bread. Senku held a mess of ingredients in a random potato sack he had slung onto his shoulder, "Oh good a basket. Here I'll leave you to hold all of this." He attempted to dump it all in. "Wait!" You pulled the cloth napkin up. "I got us lunch."

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