Newton's Law of Motion

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"I'm glad you've straightened it all out with your parents then, Y/N. You won't have to pay a single cent, everything will be covered as we discussed. Althoooough, if push does come to shove, we might have to share a couple of meals here and there. The meals are always pretty massive, so don't worry." He paused for a while as if trying to do two tasks at once. "...I hope you like bratwurst because they basically stuff your face with it here. I think it might be a tourist thing." He spoke halfheartedly, shuffling with papers and glass containers in the background. Not being able to fully process what was happening, you couldn't help but be aggravated by how casual he was about all this. Your stomach growled thinking about food. "...Mr. Is..shigami-?" Senku interrupted, "You can just call me Senku. Or you know what call me Professor Senku, that sounds more official since I am technically your boss." "Senku, why on earth is your research facility four hours away from Ulm? I.. I just, why not put that on your business card in the first place? Or at least you could've told me before I got on the train! I'm starving!" You hissed out, trying your best to keep your voice to a low hush. "I haven't had a phone signal for you have any idea how scary it is to be in a country where you don't speak the language? Alone? At night?!" You squished the phone against your face as another group of people loaded onto the train. 

You were rather surprised so many people used such an outdated model instead of the newer metro ones, but having a bit of privacy was nice, it felt like you were in a Harry Potter film. Stupidly, you accidentally left one of your bags outside your car, making someone nearly trip over it. You quickly moved your bag inside, nervously scrambling to apologize. "E...Ent..schuld-digung!" you sputtered out. The mispronunciation alone was enough to make Senku let out a snicker, "You know you can just say sorry, right? Most people understand basic English. Even if they didn't, they'd understand it better than that spiel that just came out your mouth." Your face heated from embarrassment against the phone as you waited for him to continue. "And don't worry so much, I'll stay with you on the line if you're really scared. Instead of talking to the total strangers on the train, you can talk to the total stranger on the phone." You knew he was poking fun at you but being on the phone with him was comforting. As the train began to move and sound its whistle, you couldn't believe you were on the train alone to meet some strange guy you met at a fountain. Even more unbelievable was your parent's agreement to such an arrangement. 

Although you've never even heard of him, this Senku guy has a record. A rather impressive one at that. Known for having studied diseases at a remarkably young age internationally as well as designing multiple award-winning and innovative model rockets, Senku had definitely made a name for himself in the field of science. Of course, he's mostly known for his father being a part of the JAXA mission but he had a track record all of his own. That was enough for your guardians to almost instantly agree and start planning a chemistry-themed wedding for the two of you. On top of that, they had somehow found a way to speak with both Senku and Senku's father on the phone, all about you and your background. You couldn't think of a more embarrassing conversation. Suddenly Professor Senku decided to rudely interrupt your train of thought, "I'm in Thuringia instead of Ulm for a couple of things, really. Thuringia is where all the greats have studied, we'll be among intellectual royalty. Famous mathematician Gottlob Frege, Philosopher Georg Wilhelm, and even Friedrich Hegel were once teachers here in Thuringia. You know there are a couple of universities here that are renowned worldwide...are you writing this down?" He snapped rather suddenly, causing you to frantically search through your bag for a pen. You wrote down bits and pieces of what he said on a napkin you had stuffed in your pocket, completely butchering the names and mixing up phrases. "But I think my favorite thing here is the Karl Schwarzschild Observatory. I'll take you there as a reward for all your hard work if you're lucky. It has the largest telescope in the world, you just never have seen venus until you've seen it through that telescope." He spoke through a yawn as you slowly stopped writing. You yawned after him, "I'm thrilled. Really I am, but you're seriously one of the fishiest people I've ever encountered. So, you better actually be a scientist and not some weird creep trying to get handsy. I have pepper spray on me you know." You firmly stated, looking at the moonlight hit small ponds outside the train's window. You hoped he wouldn't see through your lie of having pepper spray. 

Senku made a small confused noise followed by some weird shuffling and what almost sounded like glass breaking, "Wouldn't dream of it. Seriously, don't come here expecting anything more than hard work and science. Love or any byproduct of it is a waste of time, a disease, and it's best to leave it for the other idiots with nothing better to do, so don't bring any of that into my kingdom of science. As alluring as I may be, keep focused." You felt a chill go down your spine as you suddenly removed the phone from your ear. You heard Senku say your name as you moved the phone farther away. You haven't interacted with many boys in your life, unfortunately (or probably more fortunately than unfortunately), but none of them have ever straight up denied wanting any form of affection from you, especially physical. Was he being genuine? Either way, you suddenly felt way more at ease. "Y/N? Did we lose connection..? Oh geez it's everywhere...where did I put the rags?" You slowly put your face back to the phone, "Hey Senku?" Putting on your wireless headphones you heard him make a confused sound towards you, "Ah?" With slight hesitation you suddenly FaceTimed him, waiting patiently for him to respond. You watched as he suddenly filled the screen, his face still had the marks from his chemistry goggles being too tight. He looked tired, eyebags forming under his eyes as well as his hair being a bit more unruly since the last time you saw him, "Did something happen?" He watched as you slowly dozed in and out of sleep, causing him to roll his eyes and continue to collect a couple of beakers to clean. Just as he was about to hang up you opened an eye, "I'm gonna take a small nap before I get there. Can you stay on the phone with me in case something happens? The doors don't lock and there's a lot of people on here. I'll prop you up on my backpack so you can see." You rubbed your eye sleepily, revealing Senku making a weirded-out face at you when you moved your hand. "Please? I don't feel very safe, I saw a couple of people looking at me when I came on. ...It's just for an hour, I'm almost there." You couldn't keep your eyes open any longer.  Senku walked to what looked to be a sink and set the phone down as he washed his hands. He spoke loudly against the sound of the water, "I suppose I can. I have to clean up some spills I made before it eats through my floors anyway. Just, don't let your phone die, I'm not responsible if you get lost." You hadn't even considered that but you were already out. Weirdly enough, in a strange foreign land, surrounded by strangers, and heading to an unknown location, you felt the safest you've ever felt. Was it really so strange to trust someone so easily? Surprisingly, Senku stayed on that call for the rest of the trip.

What Makes A Genius (Reader x Senku Ishigami)Where stories live. Discover now